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Immortal Essence

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Immortal Essence is a DoTA like Player versus Player map with a goal to destroy the enemy Relic. There are two sides: Alliance Expedition and the Scourge Forces battleing for centuries. Now in an epic battle they are trying to find a powerful relic to use against their ancient enemies.

The MAP:

There are two bases, Scourge north, Alliance, south. Both Relics are protected by magical gates. Whoever passes through from the enemy suffers 5000 damage unless the protecting buildings: Shrines/Power Generators are destroyed. Each base has its own base keeper units helping the defense.


There are 3 Roles each side:

His/Her duty is to control the middle area of the map pushing the front towards the enemy base. ( Ofc they can change lanes whenever they want ) Warlords are also able to enter the Arenas challanging Demonlords for powerful itemrewards and to complete a quest that gives an item meant to upgrade the champion.

Both sides have 1-1 champions that can bring out with some conditions. Abomon the Hungerer is a special unit waiting in his champer for prey to kill and eat. Each time The Scourge kills an enemy unit a zombie will spawn in Abomons Lair that he eats. After 150 zombie kill Abomon is ready for battle. The Alliance has to pay for special NPC-s to make Granitos live.

Completing the Arena Quest will give an item that upgrades the champion to a second level or ressurresct it if its fallen before completing the arena quest.

Lane Keepers:

Lane keepers are starting on the sides. There are 2-2 Base Camps spwaning units that attack the enemy. Those Base Camps are conquerable with killing the Base Keepers/Guardians. If it happens the base Camps will attack the enemy base's backdoor! They are reconquerable any time.

Strategist. Non Close combat Heroes. They are operating from a Strategy Room with long distance spells. They have normal spells and Battle Spells. The Battle Spells can be actived by using ( attacking ) the Book of the Highlord near the Hero. The Spell level can be increased by spending the periodicly gained spellpoint on research. As the Spell Level gets higher the spells are getting more powerful aswell.
The Strategist also can order creeps to attack the enemy base on a new lane. Those creeps will spwan from a cave and will attack the first gate directly. If the enemy players destroy the support columns standing close to the caves where the creeps are spwaning the creeps wont spawn anymore!

Special Events:

Victory Rush:
Units are dropping special kind of items. Dark Shards and Emblems of Valor. If the players gather 30 of them a special squad will join to the creeps from the main base.

Pit General:
There is a powerful BOSS patroling around. By default he is neutral towards anybody but he is attackable. If it happens he will teleport back to his Lair and will leave a portal when he was being attacked. The players can reach him by going through the portal. He drops very powerful items.

Treasure Keepers:
There are special units spwaning around the area. They drop special items for recipies and tokens for getting random poerful items.

Dragon Lords:
There is a Special Recipe the players can craft from the items they can get from the Treasure Keepers. Making the recipie will give you the Orb of the Dragon Soul. If the players use the item a dragon ally will join to the battle going on.

Arena Event:
Players can get a special quest for a special item that can upgrade your champion. After you got the quest you can teleport to the arena with stepping on the circle of power. There are 5 Demons overall, after you beat one you have to go back for challanging the next.

There are 2 Strategy towers where you can research. You can add extra units to the spawning creep waves, you can upgrade your defensive/offensive units etc etc. ( You have to check them out to see )


You can hire special units from your Relic. There is a healer/dps and a builder
type unit. The builders can build towers for strengthening your bases!


There are special recipes like in DoTA, nothing else to say about it, the only thing is there arent much since im doing all these alone and it is ALOT of work so be patient please!

I do not want to spoil all the things but there is another tihng i would like to write:


Apart from the normal game mode there is a mode called: SURVIVOR MODE!
This mode the Demons are trying to retake the land choosen by the alliance and the scourge to fight on. They are attacking more and more often with more powerful waves till the Demon God spawns of his shards to destroy the enemy bases. Whoever kills a Shard of Kylgoron will gain a special item that you can use. Of it happens a demonic portal will open near the base and spawning allied demons attacking the enemy main base.

Demons also drop an item called amulet of Summoning. If a Hero uses the amulet, he /she will summon the enemy WARLORD to the dueling ground. Whoever wins the duel will get extra money and an extra DEFENSE TOWER in the main base. Only 1 amulet can drop at a time.


Since I have started to work on a bigger project, a storyline movie with voice actors and using Wc3 TFT material I stopped the working on this. But if there are people who request some support I gladly help and spend a few hours on extra content and optimizing which is the part where I stopped since I did not have enough testers and started working on the movie.


Immortal Essence v1.17

- Warlord hero selection has been redesigned for preparing the system for the new heroes' arrival.

- NEW GAME MODE: Ultimate( Super Creep ) Mode
By selecting this game mode the creeps are going to get a huge HP and Damage boost. Also every 3rd minutes super creeps are joining the battle. On both sides there are 5-5 super creep from level 1 to level 5. every 5 minutes there will be 5 additional super creeps spawning on random lanes.

In this game mode players can obtain the Ultimate Tomes that give 5 to All Stats and Bonus Experience to be able to match with the power of the creeps.

- Mixable game modes: Host now can pick from the game modes but maximum 2 modes can run at the time. Example: Survival Mode and Super Creep Mode.

Don't know if you tested it Mare but if you did tell me what you think, if this is close to what you thought :)

Immortal Essence v1.18

- Bugfixes
- Hero balance

Immortal Essence v1.19

- New GAME MODE: Avatar mode
Players can face the mighty Stone Keepers and hunt them down for Avatar Stones. Collect six of those stones to bring your avatar to this world!

The Avatars are extra powerful creatures, no creep or low level hero can be a match against it. If the avatar is active the enemy team will have a very hard time to defend their base.
This game mode brings a very intense game experience when players are forced to go for the shards if they want to keep their base. Only one Stone Keeper spawns at the time so all the heroesare going to fight for the same item.

NOTE: I think this game mode got to be the best so far, very intense and even in single player mode the AI can surprise you from time to time.

Immortal Essence v1.20 - v1.21

- Bugfixes
- Balance

immortal, essence, scourge, alliance, dota, base, 4v4, players, relic, item, custom, hero, champion, spell, map, epic, combo

Immortal Essence (Map)

21:54, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
I download this and rate later.

Rating: 3/5
Kept me entertainment...AND FREAKING PISSED OFF!

Few Notes:
The scourge is so unbalanced, the executors are way too overpowered, they chased me INSIDE my base, too!
The terrain isnt really that good.
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Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
I download this and rate later.

Rating: 3/5
Kept me entertainment...AND FREAKING PISSED OFF!

Few Notes:
The scourge is so unbalanced, the executors are way too overpowered, they chased me INSIDE my base, too!
The terrain isnt really that good.

Well there is a huge problem with the Executors, they are simply bugged and I just realised after I uploaded. They should be disappearing after 20/30 seconds but for some reason the remove unit trigger just didnt want to work so I am going to redesign that ultimate completely. Well the terrain is really not the best I was trying to focus on the multiplayer part since thats the point I did not want to focus on terraining that much.

Well I think you would have found it even better if you wouldnt have ran into that Executor bug I just found :) Ofc It will be fixed soon.

Oh btw which role you tried? The main heroes or the ones on the sides?
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
i tried the one wich had the power of the spellbook (i think it was middle), color red in other words.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
i tried the one wich had the power of the spellbook (i think it was middle), color red in other words.

Ah well then you have tried the warlord but if there is no Strategist you can control the hero using the spellbook.

I will fix the bug tomorrow anyway. If you enjoyed the map I think you would enjoy even more with 7 other people with filling all the roles so everybody can control his/her own and only hero :)
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Guess that would make sense, i cant host but i hope my m8 is back til tomorrow.

I see :) Well I will try to fix the bug in the morning so you can try it without the executioner bug. If you want to play it 1v1 I suggest you to take the one you did ( red slot ) and the Warlord from the other side ( brown slot ). Like this both of you will be able to get into the arena with the Warlords and use the spellbook by the Strategist ( since warlords can control them if they have no player ) For the rest DO NOT set computer opponents just leave the slots open.

If you do like this the Lane Keepers ( side heroes ) will do their job without any problem.

EDIT: Executor bug - FIXED!
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Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
Meh, looks good, testing.

EDIT: Dum di dam... Well. The map has a nice background story. The hero selection was done very well. The spells. You should add some custom spells, those original spells are kinda boring. You have modes, very good. I saw no typos, gj on that.

Terrain. The terrain was not flat and had some tile variation. There were lots of blizzard cliffs though.

The map was kinda fun, though it could do some polishes. 3/5 and vote for Approval.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Meh, looks good, testing.

EDIT: Dum di dam... Well. The map has a nice background story. The hero selection was done very well. The spells. You should add some custom spells, those original spells are kinda boring. You have modes, very good. I saw no typos, gj on that.

Terrain. The terrain was not flat and had some tile variation. There were lots of blizzard cliffs though.

The map was kinda fun, though it could do some polishes. 3/5 and vote for Approval.

Thank you for the review, I am really happy that you liked it. Believe me you will find out ALOT more if you play with it more often since I put tremendous amount of content and still doing it from time to time. As I said before it is the best to try with 7 other players but nowadays it seems impossible since everybody is hanging on DoTA :(

This is a real AoS style strategy game with loads of possibilities to make tactics. Unfortunately when I asked for support I did not get much, no spell makers, only 1 tester so basically nothing. I put some custom spells made by triggers, you will see them if you play other heroes.

So pretty much stood alone with the map and thats why the developement was very very slow until I got very tired. ( Testing took way too much time alone for all the heroes and both sides )
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Ah, i see. That Abomus Wahteverus thing at scourge's side is really overpowered. You might want to fix it.

You meant the Abomon the Hungerer? That is the champion of the Scourge, the Alliance has one champion too, called Granitos. That guy can counter Abomon easily. Those 2 units are 2 very powerful bastards and if you complete the arena quest you can upgrade them to a higher level :)
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
The dark ranger had 40 dmg and the knight hero had 100 at lvl 1-4 (forgot wich), shouldnt that be abit changed?
Also: The stone giant is abit overpowered because it has avatar, the dread lord is too weak compared to it.
Choosen one is too weak, its cost should be lowered or the effect raised.
The abomon is too easy to get compared to the alliances one, alliance has to pay 15k while abomon comes over time much faster.

Ill check more later.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
The dark ranger had 40 dmg and the knight hero had 100 at lvl 1-4 (forgot wich), shouldnt that be abit changed?
Also: The stone giant is abit overpowered because it has avatar, the dread lord is too weak compared to it.
Choosen one is too weak, its cost should be lowered or the effect raised.
The abomon is too easy to get compared to the alliances one, alliance has to pay 15k while abomon comes over time much faster.

Ill check more later.

The Warlord Ikirus one if you meant that has a very huge base damage in the begining compared to the other because he is kinda weak early game ( doesnt have CC ability ). The Dark Ranger's damage scales much better on high level. I think on higher level the scales are more even but I will take a look.

You are perfectly right about the stone giant and the dreadlord. The dreadlord is kinda weak because in the begining it was a hero that the players could free and control and his life steal aura was kinda strong in team fights. But since some ppl requested to have only 1 hero per player I put it as a reward that the computer controlls and now it is not that good anymore, I will change it tomorrow.

Chosen one: You are 100% right, I will buff it so it will be worth to spend the spellpoints on it.

About the champions. In the begining the alliance gets a 15 000 pool for the champion. I explain how: While the scourge gets lets say 15 gold per kill, the alliance gets 15+100 gold. For abomon you need to kill 150 enemy, and if you count the alliance has to kill 150 too to get the 15 000. But the 15 000 gold is NOT from the money you collect it is a plus that you can use for getting the champion out ( which is a wise thing for countering Abomon ) or you spend on items for yourself with risking Abomon destroy some towers and get upgraded to Abomon the Fleshseeker very fast.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009

Immortal Essence v1.13

- Bugfixes
- Balance:

Chosen One's damage bonus has been increased up to 375 from 250, Life Regeneration has been increased to 200 from 100, mana Regeneration has been increased to 100 from 50.

Harkondrius' base damage has been increased by 30%, Maximum Health by 500, Maximum Mana by 1000.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Good job on fixing it!
Now its abit more balanced since Hour of the dead was too OP'd compared to choosen one.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
What are the dragons for btw? I noticed an alive one and a dead one patrolling the middle area.
Also, when i played as warlord with hunter, the alliance did a hero/creep rush on right side, but where did my ally heroes disapear or get stuck?
Pink was jammed on the middle gate, it didnt move or anything :/
Other comp controlled heroes were disapeared somewhere, i couldnt find them at all.
One more note - the elite guards who guards the caves, they dont give a damn about you except if you attack their ally near them, attack them or go near them, i destroyed the right side of alliances caves alone because the guards didnt attack me at all - that could have abit fixing there.
The dark ranger warlord hero has abit bad ultimate to be honest, i was fighting the doomguard boss on the arena, and it dispelled the ultimate, you should try making it to be un-dispellable by a way or another...

Anyway, good work on the updates :)
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
What are the dragons for btw? I noticed an alive one and a dead one patrolling the middle area.
Also, when i played as warlord with hunter, the alliance did a hero/creep rush on right side, but where did my ally heroes disapear or get stuck?
Pink was jammed on the middle gate, it didnt move or anything :/
Other comp controlled heroes were disapeared somewhere, i couldnt find them at all.
One more note - the elite guards who guards the caves, they dont give a damn about you except if you attack their ally near them, attack them or go near them, i destroyed the right side of alliances caves alone because the guards didnt attack me at all - that could have abit fixing there.
The dark ranger warlord hero has abit bad ultimate to be honest, i was fighting the doomguard boss on the arena, and it dispelled the ultimate, you should try making it to be un-dispellable by a way or another...

Anyway, good work on the updates :)

About the dragons: There is a recipie that you can buy from the Keeper of the Ancient Secrets, called orb of the Dragonsoul. If you complete the item you can use it. If you use the item the dragon of the matching side will join the allied computer player and attack everything in his path until it dies.

About the disappearing heroes. If there are no players on the slots there is going to be a special event. Every minutes there is a 25% chance ( which I am going to decrease to 10% ) for that event. If it happenes all non player controled heroes are going to teleport to one lane and attack together. This is for making harder situations from the computer's side.

About the cave guards: You are right, I am going to fix it.
About the Dark Ranger's ultimate: You are right again, I am going to fix it.

Tomorrow or maybe even tonight I will update the map.

Thank you for the feedback --> work work ... :)
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
I must admit, you seem to take the map pretty seriously, ive found few things to fix already and you fixed them all o_O

here, have some rep for that :D
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
I must admit, you seem to take the map pretty seriously, ive found few things to fix already and you fixed them all o_O

here, have some rep for that :D

Thank you very much for the reputation, I will give you too for the useful feedbacks, mean a great help seriously. And yes I am trying take it very serious since I want it to be good and I think if I want that I must listen to those people who bother to help with some tips/info about the map. So thank you again, hope the map will keep your interest for a long time :)

Map is UPDATED with the new version!

Immortal Essence v1.14

Gate guards ( on both sides ) have been repositioned. They are closer to the caves, protecting the exact area of the support columns. If the player tries to pull them away they will return to their guard position as they leave the guarding area.
Gate guards' visibility has been increased

The frequency of the Special Event teleporting the computer controlled heroes together has been decreased from 24% per minute to 9% per minute. Also a teleport effect has been added to inform the player about the teleport instead of the heroes' disappearence without any visibly effect.

Dark Ranger's Rapid Shot is under redesign for an undispelable form. Since there are only 3 units ( 1 demon in the arena, Champion of the Alliance and the Mage Hunter ) in the game it is not a big threat, players can cooperate with this side effect until the new version is done :)

Immortal Essence v1.15


Introducing Avalana Sorrowheart the Witch
Caster - Lanekeeper ( Undead/Orange)

SKILL 1: Agony of Death
- Finger Of Death softer version, normal damage dealing spell.
SKILL 2: Aid of the Spirits
- Avalana summons dark spirit allies from the abyss to protect her or her friends in battle. The spirits give highly increased health regeneration as long as they live.
SKILL 3: Hexx
- Standard Hex for crowd control. Lasts 3/4/5 seconds.
- The Witch Marks the target ( can be far away, distance doesn't matter only she has to see it ). If the mark is applied the caster will gain visibility over it and also gains a special spell by activating her ultimate. The special spell's called VOODOO STRIKE. When Avalana activates the strike, the marked target will suffer damage for the Witch's Intelligence X 10! The mark stays for 30/60 seconds, Voodoo strike can be activated only when the mark is up.
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Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Is anyone who would like to try this map in 4v4? To be honest even I have been working on this map for months now I couldn't get to try it with 7 other players ( thats why I was developing some AI too so I could play mself alone :)

But the real fun would be to play with players who are experienced enough to get used to new things and be able to compete.

If you would like to join for a game just post here or something and we could make a team for a few hours of test :)

Immortal Essence v1.16

UPDATE: NEW SHOP - Carrier Shop

The players can hire special creeps with unit inventory to decrease the time spent on running back to the main base for item purchasing. There are 12 kind of carriers from level 1 to level 12. The stats/abilities/number of the unit inventory slots and ofc the cost are based on the Carriers' level.
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Level 4
Jan 10, 2009
I have not play'd this yet but it looks very fun. It would be good if this map could have AI! And you should put the name of the version in the description.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
hmm, alot has been improved since i first tried this o_O
also, i find it funny that this conversation has been just me, keytal & hunterkiller only >.<
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
hmm, alot has been improved since i first tried this o_O
also, i find it funny that this conversation has been just me, keytal & hunterkiller only >.<

Well yea. I see a lot of people commenting on other maps, hopefully more will join here too and write a few things about the map. I hope once a moderator will review this since I know you can get a lot of info from their comments since they do a great job on reviewing.

Until then I keep adding new and interesting stuffs and hoping new ppl will come. ( We might get to test this in 4v4 once :D )

Next update will be:

Redesigning Warlord hero selection so there will be place for more Warlord type units. ( I want to add atleast 1-1 new Warlords in the next version )

Also a new game mode called: Avatar mode

Avatar mode is going to be an intense game mode where the players have to fight for avatar shards. Avatar shards will be dropped from the Stone Keepers spawning at random locations om the map, only one at the time. If a team acquires one shard an avatar guardian will appear. After 6 shards the Avatar ( extremly powerful unit ) will appear in the main base and joins the creep and attacks on the middle path.

Since the Stone Keepers will be visible and their location pinged on the minimap, players can expect really intensive PvP from this game mode.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Not bad idea. You could put a game mode where every creep units powers are doubled and there would come even more powerful creeps too, while heroes gets a nice stat bonus aswell.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2009
Not bad idea. You could put a game mode where every creep units powers are doubled and there would come even more powerful creeps too, while heroes gets a nice stat bonus aswell.

You know what? Your suggestion will go live with the next patch when the avatar mode will be released!

This is is going to be a cool mode ( the mega creep mode ) since in v1.17 the game modes are going to be mixable. Example : you will be able to play megacreep mode with avatar mode. And the more variety of modes are going to be the more is the uniqness of the launched games will be game experience wise.

Immortal Essence v1.17

- Warlord hero selection has been redesigned for preparing the system for the new heroes' arrival.

- NEW GAME MODE: Ultimate( Super Creep ) Mode
By selecting this game mode the creeps are going to get a huge HP and Damage boost. Also every 3rd minutes super creeps are joining the battle. On both sides there are 5-5 super creep from level 1 to level 5. every 5 minutes there will be 5 additional super creeps spawning on random lanes.

In this game mode players can obtain the Ultimate Tomes that give 5 to All Stats and Bonus Experience to be able to match with the power of the creeps.

- Mixable game modes: Host now can pick from the game modes but maximum 2 modes can run at the time. Example: Survival Mode and Super Creep Mode.

Don't know if you tested it Mare but if you did tell me what you think, if this is close to what you thought :)

Immortal Essence v1.18

- Bugfixes
- Hero balance

Immortal Essence v1.19

- New GAME MODE: Avatar mode
Players can face the mighty Stone Keepers and hunt them down for Avatar Stones. Collect six of those stones to bring your avatar to this world!

The Avatars are extra powerful creatures, no creep or low level hero can be a match against it. If the avatar is active the enemy team will have a very hard time to defend their base.
This game mode brings a very intense game experience when players are forced to go for the shards if they want to keep their base. Only one Stone Keeper spawns at the time so all the heroesare going to fight for the same item.

NOTE: I think this game mode got to be the best so far, very intense and even in single player mode the AI can surprise you from time to time.
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