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Idle Icon, Horse Armor Icon, Flip two Icons

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Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
Hello! I'm new, i've recently begun work agian on a map i've had in my head for a long time. I'm basically completely revamping WC3 into what should be a completely unrecognizeable RTS. While flipping through the endless reams of changeable options i stumbled upon something i could use some help with.

I would like to replace the icon for idle peasants/peons/etc. with simply an icon that is black with the yellow word IDLE on it. This would help people that never really played "real" WC3 games understand, and would also make it more obvious.

If it's not too much trouble i would like, also, a horse icon (for horse-type units' armor) that looks (recognizably) like a horse. Even a simple brown horse head would be perfect for what i'm looking for, but of course armor would be much cooler! :cool: (watch out for the bottom right corner, i need just enough space so the upgrade number is visible)

And i have two icons that i am currently using for attack-types that have the image of the sword going from the bottom right to the top left corner, which kind of gets in the way of the upgrade number. If someone could just flip them so they're a mirror of what they are now then that'd be great.

I'd really appreciate any and all of the help that anyone can give me. ty for spending the time to read my post :)
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Heres you're idle.

Edit: Heres a horse, i would have drawn it but it'd take to long and you just want something simple but working so i just got one off of google and put it in a border.

I don't know what sword icon you're talking about.


  • BTN-IDLE.blp
    5.1 KB · Views: 122
  • Horse.zip
    8.4 KB · Views: 60
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Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
Sorry i just checked it and i only need the steel forged swords upgrade icon flipped, the other sword is fine. And thank you so much for making me the idle button and giving me the horse. And i hate to be picky but i really want something a bit more distinctively horse-like. I know it's hard to do in such a small place, so i'll see if i can download an art tool to make the icon myself- i appreciate all the trouble you went through for the horse and idle icon and i'm loathe to say that the horse isn't good enough.

thank you so much, and if you can send me a flipped steel forged swords upgrade icon that would be fantastic too! :) you're the best!

EDIT: I just looked at the icon in an editor and it actually looks great!, but when it's scaled down in-game it looks a little funky, that's all. Thanks again :D
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