of the illiden model with wings..you know which one right?
Well my request is of him with feather type wings.
they dnt have to be white they can be black if its easier for you.
I just want his wings to look like featherd wings if that makes sense.
If you do reply then like seriously do and dont just say you will.
i asked for this skin about a year ago on my old account.
the person who said he/she would (will remain annmous) never got back to me.
Well my request is of him with feather type wings.
they dnt have to be white they can be black if its easier for you.
I just want his wings to look like featherd wings if that makes sense.
If you do reply then like seriously do and dont just say you will.
i asked for this skin about a year ago on my old account.
the person who said he/she would (will remain annmous) never got back to me.