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I need two models

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Level 2
Apr 30, 2010

I'm looking for a model of a knight. I know there are enough knights already, but i mean a spezific knight from the game "Summoner" (THQ). These knights have a plate-robe-armor. Maybe the one of you who want to do that could make the soldier-model of this game aswell, but the knight is the more important. I'll attach a few pics:

1: On of the knights (Blue one)
2: A white knight
3: White ones back
4: A soldier
5: Another soldier with different colour

Just the colours should be different. I mean the metal parts should be metal, the cloth a bright brown and the leather of course darker brown.

Would be very nice if someone has the time for these models.

BTW: If nobody knows the game i'll try to find more pictures. Will be hard cause this game is not well known.

Greets Sir Fondor


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Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
No one who can/want to do these models? Or did i request something wrong i mean something against the rules? Hope not cause i need these two models for my campaign...
I searched everywhere for at least similar models but i found nothing so i thougt maybe one of you guys could make them...
Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
Lol i hope thats not the case xD
I rather think that these models just look to boring for most modellers...
I need a Bloodelf warlock with Tier 5 aswell but i think there is a rule that prohibit such kind of models. So i just asked for these two.
Btw. Hope dies at last ^^
no, the rule doesn't prohibits the models if they are scratchmodeled, and the skin is custom-created, but that's not easy 2 do......the rule u mean prohibits the export of units from World of Warcraft 4 modelling purposes and for use in other games, or to edit them (that is theft and it's called *ripping*). btw if u describe me exactly how u want ur 2 knights i can try making them from existing warcraft units so that we use ingame skins 4 them, just be aware: i can't animate.
Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
Hmm when i'm thinking about it the spellthief would be THE perfect base model. I mean hes slim, he has a robed armor, a shield and a weapon. BUT first: he's a bloodelf (i like bloodelves but i need this one as a human) second he has a big mask instead of an closed helmet.
So if you could make him with a sword instead of warglaive, his shield into a human one (or just a simpler one), give him a helmet like in my attached pictures and change the colours of the armor so it looks like in the attached pics ->
armor = plate,
movable parts = chainmail
That would seriously be enough. Only important thing is that you cant see anything of his body i mean he should completely covert with armor.
Is this all you need? If not just say it and i'll try my best to make it more detailed.


Ah i forgot i just talked about the knight!
The soldier doesn't matter cause i think i'll take the "Gondor soldier" made by "Elenai"
Of course i give credits for all models i use :)
Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
What ya think? Is the Spellthief a good base-model for the knight in the pic or should we take an other one?
Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
Yeah if you can edit the spellthief model to a knight model from my pics, that would be enough. I mean the spellthief has all i want for the knight. Maybe you can change the "stand ready" animation to an easier one like just "stand and hold sword" it would seriously be enough. But if you dont want to change the animation its no big deal, i think a spinning sword is not that much of a problem :)

Greets Sir Fondor
Level 19
Feb 15, 2008
i hope u can get it done i can edit models. In magos not adding anything. Just remove and edit. Make them look diffrent =) not edit attack animation. So...

And btw i dont understand how u want ur model... how it should look do u want him to look at that modell on the pic and what modell on the pic is the one you want. People get confused when they see 4 diffrent images with diffrent models :S
Level 2
Apr 30, 2010
Ow ok. I explain the pics.
1. Guy with leather tunic is the main char. The armored guy infront of him is the knight, which i want in my game.
2. Theres just main char and another knight. Armor of this knight is the same one as the blue but its white^^
3. Same as pic 2, just other ankle.
4. This is a soldier. I think i'm going to use the "Gondor Soldier" model by Elenai. But if ya want you can make it too, cause i like them alot and i think a soldier shouldn't have a whole plate armor but a chainmail tunic with a bit plate on it -> like the one in the pic.
5. Same model of soldier, just the colours of the temple guard.

How i want the models:

The knight:
It would be great if i have a variation of colours. I like the white one and the blue one. (There are others aswell but i just took screenshots of this two.) If it is too much effort then make the armor just metal.

The soldier:
Here it would be best if the plate - parts would be teamloloured so i can make Soldier, Palaceguard and Templeguard aswell. If thats impossible then just the colours of pic 4.

I know, its a bit bold to want them so precise but my campaign will not be the campaign i want without those models. Its that atmosphere of this game i want to have in my campaign aswell....

I hope you can make them :)

Sir Fondor
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