Alright, I would rather not be called a dumbass simply because I don't have the time or patience to learn how to model things. I did actually try to learn, I tried a tutorial, the tutorial was to create a box. I created the box, then I attatched a brick skin to it... and that was around the time that I realized how many tutorials I was going to have to take to actually know what I was doing. I actually do enjoy sunlight... it feels good. I won't give up my precious time to spend with friends and such to learn how to model. Now when I come to the request forum, and request a model... over the course of two weeks 4 people managed to LOOK at my topic. No responders, just lookers. I tried to get a modeler on my map making team, turns out... all he knows how to do is import things onto a map, which is fairly useless because everyone knows how to do that. So I came here and requested it. I know other people are probably just as busy as me, and I realize asking for a model is asking for a lot considering that they take multiple hours to make. The only thing I'm saying is that when you ask for a model on this website, you better be prepared for a let down because nobody and I mean nobody does models for other people. I'd say out of every 20 models asked for on this section of the website, one actually gets done. And that's a damned shame for people like me. So don't call me a dumbass for requesting something.