This is for a standard weapon that fires normally at enemies.
here's what you do:
1)make a custom ability based off of Phoenix Fire. change these options for the ability:
Art - Icon - Normal (your choice)
Art - Missile Arc (usually somewhere between 0 and .3)
Art - Missile Art (your choice)
Art - Missile Homing Enabled (your choice)
Art - Missile Speed (most sit around 1000)
Data - Damage Per Second = 0 (I haven't made any weapons that do DoT, so i'm not sure what would happen if greater than 0)
Data - Initial Damage (your choice)
Stats - Area of Effect (this is the distance from the boat that the weapon can fire. the large grid squares in world editor are 512, to give you an idea for distance)
Stats - Cooldown (how often your weapon will fire [in seconds])
Stats - Duration - Hero = 0.01
Stats - Duration - Normal = 0.01
Stats - Hero Ability = False
Stats - Item Ability = False
Stats - Race (usually human for battelship maps)
Stats - Target Allowed = Enemy, Ground, Structure, Vulnerable for ships and buildings. Remove Ground, Structure, and Vulnerable and add Hero to make the weapon attack Hero ships only (other players). Remove Structure to make the weapon attack ships only (any kind).
Text - Name (this is a given)
Text - Tooltip - Normal = same as Text - Name
Text - Tooltip - Extended = usually just "Fires at nearby enemies" Can give bigger if you feel like it.
2)Make a custom item based off of the Crown of Kings +5. change these options for the item:
Abilities - Abilites = the ability that you just created
Art - Interface Icon (usually the same as the ability that is tied to this item)
Stats - Cooldown Group = Slow
Stats - Gold Cost (how much you want the weapon to cost)
Stats - Hit Points = Stats - Gold Cost
Stats - Stock Replenish Interval (how long you want between one buy and the next [in seconds])
Stats - Stock Start Delay (how long from map start till item is available [in seconds])
Text - Description (this is a given)
Text - Hotkey (this is a given)
Text - Name (i put the name of the item followed by the cost in parenthesis: Name (Cost))
Text - Tooltip - Basic = Purchase *Name of item* (usually the name is a special color)
Text - Tooltip - Extended (here's what mine looks like as an example: *description of weapon*.|n|nType: |cff33BBBB*what type of weapon*|r |nAttacks: |cff33BBBB*what it can attack*|r|n|nDamage: |cff33BBBB*damage amount*|r |nRange: |cff33BBBB*range of weapon*|r |nCooldown: |cff33BBBB*interval between shots*|r) take out the * and put in what you want
3) now all you have to do is tell which store to sell it and you're golden. you won't be able to target with the weapon, it will attack anything within its ability's Area of Effect.
if you have any questions feel free to email me at
[email protected]