I Need Models for LotR

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Level 1
Mar 10, 2006
Hi peoples i'm new here
Before i had an internet i was making few maps but they looked awfull because of model lacking
Now i can at least ask for help :wink:

I am making a LotR maps at the moment so i need models for main characters like gendalf , aragorn , nazguls , hobbits (there is no hobbits at all , there are few of other races but no hobbits!!!).

I hope some one will help me :)
Big thanks , Epetuk
Level 4
Mar 11, 2006
You obviously didn't look very hard, because this site has a skin for Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Bilbo, multiple Gandalf and Aragorn models and skins, and a bunch of others. If you desperately need the links for them, I could go collect them and post them here.
Level 1
Mar 10, 2006
No idea where you found em but it would be cool if u post links
Still problems with nazguls and uruk hai :wink:
Level 4
Mar 11, 2006
Ok, here are the links I could find.

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=2356&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 Frodo

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=2406&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 Sam

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=2408&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 Merry

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=2407&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 Pippin

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=2413&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 Bilbo

(Please note that these hobbit models all apply to the same model, so you need to reimport and specify the paths and junk. If you need help with that, either ask me or check the tutorial.

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=531&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 -Aragorn 1

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=3383&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 -Aragorn 2

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=3380&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 -Gimli

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=2090&sid=3c78ebd63457b7e5bd6515008d531480 -Legolas

There used to be two gandalf skins, but they seem to have disappeared. Luckily, I have them in one of my maps, so I could easily send them to you. As for the nazgul and Uruk-Hai, I'll try to find them.

BTW, mind if I put a request in of my own?
Level 4
Mar 11, 2006
I don't need many models at all. They will be listed below:
(See bottom post)

I found you some new files, which I will post below.

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=1230&sid=d56a5a668be95ce423cf520a557a13fd -Mordor Orc

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=808&sid=d56a5a668be95ce423cf520a557a13fd -Uruk-Hai (WARNING: File size way too friggin big)

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=3347&sid=d56a5a668be95ce423cf520a557a13fd -Nazgul riding Fellbeast (Skin in seperate file, just search the skins for Nazgul)
Level 4
Mar 11, 2006
Ya, Olof's nazgul and Orthanc both pwned. About the mumakil, I remember seeing it also. I can go get the link, if you want.

Edit: Here's the link, along with another I just posted. I found it in a map, but it had no credits. :/

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Skins&ID=4676&sid=814a3620d1b89ee83e4b1e0a1c24e758 -Saruman the White (This link no longer works because Afroknight_76 hates those of us from the Southern kingdom of Gondor for inexplicable reasons.)

http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=279&sid=814a3620d1b89ee83e4b1e0a1c24e758 -Mumakil
Level 4
Mar 11, 2006

-Dernhelm: Basically, Drago0n's (awesome) Eomer model modified to look like Eowyn would be perfect. I would greatly prefer to have her NOT wearing her helmet.
-Uruk-Hai Ladder: Siege ladder from Helm's Deep. Pretty simple, but I haven't been able to find one anywhere. This is not meant to be complex.
-Balrog Whip: I know this is extremely difficult, mostly the animations, but it would be nice for Chadpata7's Fellowship of the Ring. If anyone is up for a real challenge, please give this a try.
-Boromir Skin: This is very simple, but I'm a horrid skinner. If someone wouldn't mind making a Boromir skin, I'd be extremely grateful.
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