I NEED A TEAM! HELP ME FOR NEW RTS!! well, kinda new...

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Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Ok guys, I've been planning it out for a bit, though im still not finnished with the notes yet to begin designing, how ever, i need ppls help to do this.

I cant script, or model anything, which so sux...
Even tho im getting tought all kinds of Game Creating things in College soon, my Skooling dont start til like, June'ish, and I doubt they cover WC3 Creations, heh...

I wish to put some effort (n other words, when im not busy, all i can) into an RTS which, i rlly havnt seen, but would love to do: Converting "Heroes of Might and Migic 3" into an RTS using WC3 system...

To do this, i need 2 mian ppl, a script master, or trigger user, and an Artist/ Model Creator for ingame models and art.

Our first creations will mianly be like, small melee maps and such for testing grounds and to spread the game ideas for beta. Once we get all the recourses togather, im sure i can take over on the rest of it, but would gladly say u in my credits, no matter wot maps i create solo after the initial creations, even if i do the whole campiagn solo, u will guys will be mentions so much for the help u offered. I will sincerely be humble for any support on this and i will owe so much to u. I dont even care if its just u guys i mention and not myself, i'd love to do this... i just need so much help for my recourses...

RTS= Conversion of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 into RTS form

Recourses needed=
Models/ Ingame Art accuratly done to the origianal Game...
Triggers needed for Artifacts, Spells, even Basic spells designs and specialties might require Trigger Linguo to work.

Project Status atm is only at notes in which i've been writing for a few days or so. I'd like to have others participate b/fore any productions begin so we can best stream line this as best as possible...

TY u guys lots for any support u might give :D

Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Hey guys!
For convinience reasons if u can offer help or wish to partake in this lil' experiment, i would kindly ask if u would PM me or, use my Yahoo IM Loggin. If YIM is used, pls introduce urself by stating u wish to help with the map first, il try not to block any incoming IMs then...
this task will be a major deal yes, so i would strongly recommend asking or getting curious about this project b/fore diving into this. I am open to answering any questions about this that i can and i will be glad to fill u in on al the info to ensure u hav the best knowledge b/fore u make ur decision of helping or assisting.
This is a cy for help, but, its just for fun and maybe, for fame too, if all works out :p

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