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How to set up Compiler for C/C++.[Tutorial]

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Level 6
Oct 10, 2013
Hey there,

  • This tutorial is on how to set up most famous compilers of C/C++, yep you are correct I am talking about TurboC and Codeblocks.
  • At the end of this tutorial you will be able to create your new program using turbo c, and codeblocks.
  • This tutorial will cover some most comman, and slightly rare problems for us to trouble shoot!
  • This tutorial will contain Screenshots, interactive comments, and also easy step by step instructions.
  • This tutorial contains links of the image , incase they do not work with editing tools.
  • Edit: I was right, so I have removed images generated by editor on hive and kept the link of imgur instead.

So lets get Started!

  1. Turbo C3

Yes you got it Turbo C still has it, it is probably one of the best C compiler in the world! It has upgraded from turbo C, and has more user friendly traits.You need to do the following to install this Compiler.

Trouble Shooting for turboC3.


This is the mordern, and one of the best and user friendly compiler. I use this, because of great interface. Here is how you can too!
If you see an error saying GNU/GCC compiler not found then follow this setps, else codeblocks just works perfectly fine.

Special Credits
  1. Cokemonkey11 for being the most awesome personality I have every met on hive, and guiding me through hard times setting up programs!
  2. Dr.SuperGOOD for being my mentor, and motivating to explore this superb world of programming.
  3. Icemanbo for helping me staying motivated , and with C programming
  4. Hive workshop for having awesome forums!

Thats all folks, positive and negative criticism are welcomed. Trolls are ignored, and anyone who wanna work with me in future in learning computer programming are always welcomed.
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