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[Solved] How to Rotate Buildings (Editor)

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Level 4
Jul 12, 2011
Hi I was wondering how I rotate buildings while placing them in the editor.

For units, you secect ctrl+click but it doenst work on buildings.

The only solution I have found is unchecking buildings as "Is a Structure:False" but this takes awhile and has holes in it: You cant build units, see whats being done, dissapears in fog, etc.

So any help? Thank you in advance!
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
buildings (or structures, as they are called) can't be rotated. they have a default facing angle which can be seen in the Gameplay Constants. even when you use a unit, then change the unit's Is A Structure to True, it will face the default facing angle for structures.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
Editing values in the Unit after it's turned into a Building would make the unit see Deafault Degrees again.

You can also change where the building faces with triggers, if it's too much work with the Object Editor.

  • Actions
    • Unit - Make (Your Unit) face (Another Unit) over 0.00 seconds
The unit will use the 'Turn' value in the Object Editor (Something like that), won't face the point inmediatly, but as fast as it can.
  • Unit - Make (Your unit) face (Your Point) over 0.00 seconds
Same than before
  • Unit - Make (Your Unit) face (Your Degrees) facing over 0.00 seconds
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