Dude, try using the Vitory/Defeat conditions in melee triggers
Try this
Map initialisation
Event - Map initialization
condition - None
Action - For Loop 1 to 5
Add "Player(IntegerA)" to Team1(PlayerGroup)
For Loop 6 to 10
Add "Player(IntegerA)" to Team2(PlayerGroup)
Event - A unit dies
Condition - Number of units owned by Owner of Dying Unit Equal 0
Actions - If Owner of Dying unit is an ally of Player1
Remove Owner of Dying Unit from Team1
Remove Owner of Dying Unit from Team2
if Count Player in Team1 equal 0
then Game- Message to all players "Team1 wins"
if Count Player in Team2 equal 0
then Game -Message to all players "Team2 wins"
else Do Nothing
If you want to defeat them, do it accordingly, this should work if you understand it properly, questions? Email me at
[email protected], because i seldom do forums