eh? oh wah yes k suure u r certain? cos ive heerd mac is like lower in size in some certain, maybe beceause of the librairies but its certainly a mystery, to,, ad, don't orget whatefver yu dot yhertrs the dsilouette man thin liek a sword but black lyke #00000 and geven more trhan that lowllll
no, nv, ,an not rallt lewlz5. u shuld mayve make a seperate layer for the peon arm and then maybe youd havce less trouvle considiring tou probablgyt have some. its just some suggrstrion man dont return the favor i dont mind its reallt a therapy, but quiter an useless one, the kind of one whwere you certainly loose your time and it stills ends up considered as sp«m?!
maybewwww u ahouls fer animation sbghobp, yo and ehat program do you use for animations exactly«?
shiit afdi dont knwo ghow itgs posbiel for somrtone to type so much witbhout rly geetbing an d hear tattack