How to loop an abilities birth animation

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Level 2
Aug 9, 2006
Hey everybody.

I have made a passive aura spell and I want to make a cool aura effect with it, like brilliance aura. To get a cool effect i want (abilities) <replenish> (birth animation) to loop. But when I use the <periodic event: create special effect> trigger it doesn't play in the game.

Does anybody know of a solution?
Level 3
Jul 23, 2004
Have you set the Special Effect to a Variable? I am not sure its been a long time since mapping but i guess you have to do something like "Play X animation of [Last created Special Effect]"
Level 6
Mar 2, 2006
don't do that.

some models (used as spell animations) appear, play their thing for a second or two then dissapear automatically. others stay on screen until destroyed manually. Don't use the first group! That trigger will probably lag and leak. just attach one permanent model to hero's feet (using object editor on that ability, not trigger)

if you want, i can send you recolored version of brilliance aura - any color you chose. just send me a private message including your e-mail address.
Level 11
Jul 12, 2005
in a trigger, when the unit learns the skill, set the triggering unit into a variable
(ex.: set Aura = TriggeringUnit)

in a trigger that shots every 1 second, type this custom script:
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("replenish mana model", udg_Aura, "origin"))

now the model:
get the model path, then type an other '\' next to the '\'-s, to look like:

models\common\model.mdl --> models\\common\\model.mdl

note that this can be used on only one unit because of the variable...
Level 2
Aug 9, 2006
Thanks for your help guys! But I found a way to use triggers anyway.

The problem was that with a passive ability (apparently) the <a unit is casting an ability, set casting unit> triggers dont work. (Because the unit is not actually casting a spell)

So the solution was to pick every unit matching <level of Pressure >=1 > and <casting unit is of type ..> and add special effect. Now the unit does get picked and the loop works just fine!!
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