I'm making a Dota like map and using all my begginer's knowlidge of worldedit to make it is good and interesting as I can. I'm stuck on ulti skill of my first hero. I don't know how to make it go up a level since I made that skill with a trigger. It's simple like: Event: A unit Start the effect of an ability, Condition: Ability being cast Equal to "XXXX" and Action: "XXXX". Now, what i need is: when a hero learns Level 2 of that skill, I need a trigger that will recognize that event, turn off the trigger for Level 1 of that skill and turn on the trigger for Level 2 of that skill and the same thing for Level 3 when a hero learns it. So I figure there should be 4-6 triggers for 3 levels of that skill. I hope I'm wrong and there's an easier way to do it. Thanks.