I need help creating for my own map. I have few point to help needed. Map about me with 2 insane and opposite side enemy 9 insane. Its still melee map so computer make base. But i play only one here and taking advantage myself buying tome and items. My problem is
1) I want my to ally always build same heroes like
Undead 1.Arthas 2.Lich 3.Pitlord
Orc Far Seer, Tauren Chieftain, Beast Master
But Ai build random hero from Altar. I want Ai build my choices. And if possible each player can pick 4 heros.
2)I try to Ai buy tomes with their money. Example if Player 2 have 15k money can buy 14k tome so if computer players have more then 1k thay should spend money to buying tomes. If thay only can buy tome of knowlage also okay for me. There is another problem i recognize i dont know how to describe "give tome player 2 first hero" or "give tome player 3 Death knight". I checked posts here but cant find to answer sadly.
3)My last question about skills. I find templete like Dota huskar if life lost its giving extra damage and attack speed. Can we add if life lost giving extra str , agility, intelligence and armor with % life lost? in to map I shared?
Ps: I don't know how to copy it from the forum and transfer it to my map. I am not a native speaker of English sorry for that.
I need help creating for my own map. I have few point to help needed. Map about me with 2 insane and opposite side enemy 9 insane. Its still melee map so computer make base. But i play only one here and taking advantage myself buying tome and items. My problem is
1) I want my to ally always build same heroes like
Undead 1.Arthas 2.Lich 3.Pitlord
Orc Far Seer, Tauren Chieftain, Beast Master
But Ai build random hero from Altar. I want Ai build my choices. And if possible each player can pick 4 heros.
2)I try to Ai buy tomes with their money. Example if Player 2 have 15k money can buy 14k tome so if computer players have more then 1k thay should spend money to buying tomes. If thay only can buy tome of knowlage also okay for me. There is another problem i recognize i dont know how to describe "give tome player 2 first hero" or "give tome player 3 Death knight". I checked posts here but cant find to answer sadly.
3)My last question about skills. I find templete like Dota huskar if life lost its giving extra damage and attack speed. Can we add if life lost giving extra str , agility, intelligence and armor with % life lost? in to map I shared?
Ps: I don't know how to copy it from the forum and transfer it to my map. I am not a native speaker of English sorry for that.