Lets start in the beginning:
There are several types of variables. The common onces used in every program language
(C, c#, c++, visual basic...) are:
Boolean: A variable which can be either TRUE or FALSE.
Integer: Just a number.. like 1 or 10 or 1002123
BUT there is a limit..
Integer are not able to save infinite numbers...
String: A row of signs (sorry for my bad english)
Can be a word or just some letters... like a or abc or Haha or idiot... (this whole post is one big string)
In the World editor there are some other variables:
real is similar to
Integer but saves things which are used in the game.. (at least it seems to me like that).
For example: Distance, Flying height, damage....
The Problem now is that the attributs of the heros (strength, agility, intelligence) or saved as
The damage the ability is meant to deal MUST be a
real... for that there are conversions:
Some examples:
Convert String to
Integer (takes a string like a chat message and makes a number out of it)
Integer to String (if you want to give out any number or real as a chat message you must first convert it)
AND Convert
Integer to
real (an integer is taken and given out as a real)
That's important for you because the attribut
Integer must be converted into a
realto be dealt as damage...
^^ quite long post... would be glad if I get rep for it
I hope it helped