this is a problem that ocured to me a long time ago as well, but i might help you out of your burning question.
you should first of all make a quest witch you have done, than set up a variable, just click on set variable , and make a new variable.
when you did this a little screen will appear and you can choose from different catorgies.
you scroll down and see a quest catorgy, click on it and , give it a name and click on ok, now you have added a new variable. press cancel, to get out of the action.
What to do next is go to the trigger in witch the quest is made, and set right beneath the action of the quest, a new action.
Go to the action set variable, and look up the quest name you have made, press oke and then you will see something like this.
(name of the variable (witch you made)) is last created quest.
Now you have made a trigger, and if you are willing to add a new update to the quest, just go to the section action look up the action update quest, and put you name of the variable to the action in fill in the new information.
If you might not understand, what i just have written give me you email and i will add some pictures to it for a clear vieuw on how to do it.
good luck