Chopsticks420 said:
You kno how like in dota when u pick a hero nobody else can pick that hero, thats what i'm looking for. I don't kno how to do that! Is it a trigger or something? Any feedback wud be nice...
i never play dota and i hate it,, but i think trigger should help solve this problem,,dont know what kind of map ya makin,, but this may help you a bit, example building1 is where you pick heroes. and peon is the one whom buying heroes, and Mage is hero that you gonna buy.
Building1 sell a unit
Unit type of buying unit equal to peon
If all condition all true then do then actions else do else actions
If Condition
Sold unit not equal to mage
Then actions
Do nothing
Else actions
Neutral building - remove mage from building1 or set mage unvailable for training
ya something like that in the else action..look for neutral building in trigger and set it,,cause im not sure if it right,,i cant remember all
..have fun and makin good map bro.