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How can i prevent unit enters structure while building?

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Level 21
Feb 27, 2019
If you want to hide the ability in the units ui you can set the button positions to:
Button X: 0
Button Y: -11

Hold shift while pressing the Object Editor value to allow setting it to any value as well as ticking the "Allow negative real values in Object Editor" in File > Preferences > General

Note: Setting these button positions may be unsafe for mac users and crash the game. I am not 100% that is still the case.
The hiding ability with Spell Book method does not seem to work.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
^ When using 1.31+ you can now hide abilities via triggers too.
Not too sure, but i think the mac crash has been fixed by now.
Level 21
Feb 27, 2019
Hide ability works with the Repair (Human) ability too?

I tried it but then I must have done something different or wrong because it didnt work for me. I mean it worked, but the hidden ability didnt allow to further construction on buildings as usual. Or am I confusing it with enable/disable ability? How to find Hide/Show ability in actions?

Nvm found it by using the search for text but I still cant get the worker to further construction on the building with the ability hidden, it seems to just be a copy of enable/disable ability but for a single unit.
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