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How can i make Quest in Map Editor?

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Level 6
Dec 13, 2007
Heres how i do it, this is only if you are gonna use multiple quests in a map.

-create a variable (icon is an X in trigger editor) create new one and name it What_ever_your_quest_is_called
-make it a quest type variable
-Make a trigger, name it what your quest is called or something.

this trigger creates the quest:
Map initialization
-create (Undiscovered quest) quest titled (what ever) with description, the words under that decifer what icon your quest will have in the quest menu.
-Set variable (your quest variable) equal to Last created quest
(set variable is under General triggers, no quest or anything like that)

-example quest, kill bandit lord. Set trigger like this:

Receive kill bandit lord quest (name of trigger)
-unit enters enters reagion (say theres a circle of power where you receive quest)
-triggering unit equal to (your hero unit) this is to make sure quest is not trigger by any other unit (this condition is under, unit comparision)
-mark quest (your quest will show up as your variable) as discovered.
-turn on (kill bandit lord) another trigger that will say this
-turn off (this trigger)

Kill bandit lord (name of trigger) {make this trigger turn off initaily, select that under the (create new event) icon}
-Specific unit event- when bandit lord dies
-Turn on (return to quest giver trigger)
-Turn off (this trigger)

Return to quest giver (name of trigger) (this trigger is also supposed to be off)
-When unit enters region (quest givers circle of power)
-Triggering unit equal to (your hero unit)
-Mark (kill bandit lord) quest as completed
-Add 100 gold to (owner of triggering unit) so that way you receive 100 gold
-turn off (this trigger)

i hope this helps : )
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