You did not set the Install Firebat Quarters ability to the correct requirement under the Hyperion - Research ability.
Infact you set it to one that is total nonsense.
It is meant to be set to the Learn Firebat Quarters requirement.
If you want it to require a marine quarters as well, then add the nodes to the "Use" folder under that requirememnt.
I have attached the map not to do it for you, but to show you something prety cool I discovered when making sure the stuff I am telling you above works.
Basically, you can queue up a Marine Quarters upgrade and before it is finished start Queuing up the Firebat Quarters upgrade. However, if you cancle the marine quarters upgrade before it is finished, it will also cancle the Firebat Quarters in the process. Aka, dependiency based cancelation. This can allow for a much more natural queue of research instead of having to constantly append new technologies as they become available (plan ahead approach).