Heroes of the Storm Archangel of Hope Auriel from Diablo 3 by Blizzard Entertainment.
This pack includes:
- Auriel
- Ultimate Auriel
- Hanamura Auriel (Overwatch)
- Demonic Auriel
- Spirit Healer Auriel (Warcraft)
- Charity Auriel (Unreleased skin)
This is a very heavy model thanks to the ribbon animations and the numerous Cinematic animations (I mean, what can I say? She moves gracefully). Texture animations for most of these are not working correctly for unknown reasons (your guess is as good as mine; this is still very much voodoo territory as far as Warcraft 3 modeling is concerned).
Apparently Charity Auriel was meant for some kind of charity promotion (perhaps similar to that of Charity Mercy from Overwatch), but was never promoted or added to the game proper. It still exists in the game files. On the other hand, it is just another skin for the Spirit Healer.
Fun fact: Hanamura Auriel's kimono is folded over in the burial manner as befitting her status as a creature of the afterlife.