Holding Spell

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Level 4
Sep 2, 2004
I have this spider hero in my "DotA" like map and he has an ability Steel Silk Web. The idea is that he can shoot the web at an enemy unit and hold it in place. The cache is that he holds it for however long his mana can support it. It works like this...

Using his unbreakable web, Draxxus is able to hold a unit in one spot. Drains mana constantly,
and if Draxxus is unable to sustain mana, then he is forced to release the web.
Level 1 - Drains 100 mana per second
Level 2 - Drains 90 mana per second
Level 3 - Drains 70 mana per second
Level 4 - Drains 50 mana per second
Level 5 - Drains 30 mana per second

Does anyone get what I'm saying? How would I make this skill? I'm trying to use a Siphon Mana base skill, and have it drain negative mana, and have a trigger that says when a unit has this spell on them, they can't move.
(One quick thing, I forgot how to allow NEGATIVES in the object editor :cry: )
Only thing I'm afraid is that he won't stop channeling the spell once he has 0 mana.
To any of you veterans...would this work? :?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Your idea is bad because negative Siphon mana not only that DRAINS mana from the caster, but GIVES it to the target. And I'm sure you don't want this.

And now, you can trigger the whole stuff. Create a special effect at the target unit. It is channeling? Excellent. Now, you will have to get the targeted unit in a variable and do the same with the special effect. And with the caster as well. Now, pause the target unit. I know its not the best solution but... it's one of them. Turn on the second trigger which should be initially turned off. Turn on the third trigger as well. Turn this one off.

And now, your second trigger should work every 1.00 seconds and drain the mana from the casting unit. Just decrease it.

For the third trigger, you should have it like this:

Event - Every 1.00 seconds
- An Units Stops casting an ability
Conditions - Or Any (Conditions) Are True
- Mana of (YOUR_UNIT_VARIABLE) is lower than 100 (for first level)
- Ability Being Cast equal to YourAbility
- Order (YOUR_UNIT_VARIBLE) to Stop
- Turn off this trigger
- Turn off Second Trigger
- Turn on First Trigger

Now, TARGETED_UNIT_VARIABLE is the variable for the targeted unit. YOUR_UNIT_VARIABLE is the variable for the casting unit. You can change their name of course. You can change the value for the mana by using a formula which is something like this: 120-(20*Level_of_Ability).

Level_Of_Ability should be another variable which gets the level of your original ability at the beginning of the spell into the first trigger.

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