His Legacy ~Prologue~

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
His Legacy

Before the birth of the world, there was neither light nor darkness. There was neither day nor night. There was neither sun nor moon. There was nothing. Even He who is said to have shaped our world did not exist in this time, nothing did. It came unexpected, but suddenly the first creature of this world was created with a flash. This creature would be the one we would refer to as Him. Nobody knows what or who created Him, but it is spoken by the high priests that His will to exist and to rule created Him. He created himself to rule over this world and to rule over any who would one day walk this world along Him. After approximately a millennium of loneliness, He felt more emptiness and isolation that before. He may have been the dictator of the world, but what was there to rule over? To fill the empty room that He had within him, He created four new creatures with the help of His will power. He named the creatures whom He had created with the following names: "Araga", "Asayer", "Emzerra" and "Xeal-An", and gave the four different responsibilities Araga was responsible for the light, Asayer of the darkness, Emzerra of the nature and the elements, and Xeal-An would be responsible for all emotions, good or bad, of the world. Little did the four know at this time, that they would set in motion something greater than the work of their own creator, whom they referred to as their master. Even ruling over his four minions wasn't enough for Him, the empty room within him grew for every passing day, he grew more and more isolated, and his plans for the future involved more and more chaos. He thought that entertainment would free him from his curse, so he created three ancient races to fight each other, the Demons, Dragons and Giants. They fought each other well indeed, but it was not enough for Him.

Days turned into years, years turned into centuries, He had grown insane, he spoke of apocalypse and the end of the world, his servants listened only to his wicked prophecy because they were ordered to. One day, when He had totally lost control, his creations decided that they had heard enough, he spoke of dooming a world that barely existed, he spoke of madness, his creations would rather doom themselves for trying to overthrow their master than listen to any more of his nonsense. They approached their master normally like on a regular day, but then surrounded him in four corners around him, then they started to channel their life energies, as did He. All five of them stood with their eyes closed, this was a battle of the mind, four versus one. After barely an hour, Xeal-An fell to the ground dead, with her death, victory seemed out of reach, but then suddenly His corpse fell to the ground like Xeal-An's had, He was no longer breathing and was lying there on the floor, dead. But with his death, a massive amount of energy was released. Like a wave of destruction this energy charged trough the world, destroying what little He had created in his days.

With the destruction of the world came also its recreation. What scientists of the future would one day come to call the Big Bang. All that remained of the "old" world, was the three of His creations that were still alive, they found it their responsibility to take care of the world, as it was their doing that created it in the first place, they declared themselves guardians of the world, and each keeper of what their master had created them to keep. They became hope, a way for the future mortal races to seek guidance. They would be gods, it would be to them that creatures should pray and ask for mercy. It was them a king would ask for advice, for they were Araga of the Light, Asayer of the Darkness, Emzerra of the Elements... With Xeal-An dead, there could never be balance, though each of the three gods tried to keep the world under control, as best as they could.

To be continued.

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