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Level 4
Mar 2, 2023
I was reading this site lot of time in last days as I was searching for solutions for my custom campaign I started to work on. And here indeed I found 99% of all info I needed even as guest. Today I decided to register.
I'm not active Warcraft player, but few times in past I played full W2 and W3 (Reforged later). However I get to idea to do custom campaign, be creative, so after patch 1.35 comes out (I read that Editor for Reforged was not working prior to that, don't know if that is true as I did not try) I started in my free time to play with it, and found it really as fun and thing I like to do. For lot days already I was visiting this site.
And as someone totally new to editing I belive I did nice so far, I have 3 levels completed (which are definitely not small ones, and highly customised, fully polished regarding details), developed full custom different Night Elf techtree with new units (and some removed), abilities, upgrades, etc. Well not with stuff like quests, but all triggers works. It is playable. There is lot for me still to learn but I'm determined and put a lot in search for solutions, as more I will progress into my campaing which is not supposted to be small or short, more I will need to learn. I'm still novice who needs even some basic things to get, but compared to first days I progressed lot. Now I have no doubt I will finish my story, at least in best way I could do, it is only matter of personal free time.

Hope we have nice time and fun here.

Much Love
Level 4
Mar 2, 2023
Welcome to Hive, Ammanda. Happy to hear tutorials and info here helps you.

I am curious of the work. If you want, consider go to the Map Development and create a thread there. Night Elves are not well covered much so I think the interest might exist.


I did make huge rework of Night Elfes, even with my current knoweledge I belive it is good work and lot of fun. And whole campaing is lot different to what game originally is (it have nothing with Warcraft lore, it have specific story). Only "bad" thing is fact I had to use some of (not all) non-reforged icons for example researching abilities, abilities, and such. I simply can't find enough what I need in Reforged part of icons to covers what I need. But in my opinion it is not bad at all, it would be just a better if they would be reforged format, it doesn't look bad (I play and test on 1440p, all Ultra, 27" monitor if that means anything for getting idea how icons would look for others).

My idea was, and still is, to make it for myself, but I would have zero problem to share it. I will consider it as you said, but please give me bit more time to finish some basic stuff, get more familiar how others do it, etc, because I did not had time to fully explore that parts of this site.

Yes tutorials here helped me crazy good, I found solution to about everything so far without even asking. Only I had now to ask one user who provided different models, why exact that models don't work for me so there I await answer/help (every other importing works without issue so far, and I did a lot).
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