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Hey guys

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Malufa, can't you get rid of this green text? It can be seen on white background,but some of us use dark theme, white seems too formal. Using default color will switch to most apropriate color. Your color it's impossible to read it without selecting the whole text.

And brad.dude, I would like to see you reading for example very bright yellow text on white background, or black text on dark brown background. And don't tell me to selecting the text if I want to read it, I want the text to be visible at first glance. It's the same as using 1337 language or even a foreign language.

Kako bi se ti zdelo, če bi pisal v svojem jeziku? Saj lahko najdeš slovarje na internetu. :\

But of course in signatures you have all freedom what to write.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
[off topic]

This is really more of an introduction thread than an Off-Topic discussion.

Since most of us have never met Malufa before, I'm going to take the liberty to move this to our Introductions forum. Doing so ensures that it won't get lost in the general Off-Topic shuffle after it cools off.

...We are all here to make the rules, many people were sad about the color-rule and it was never actually added to the rules (I dunno why). Personally I don't really care about that rule. In my oppinion it's up to people if they want their posts to be read or not.

Malufa always typed in green I dunno why, but it means a lot to him :p. And we did not have any problems with that...

~ Thread moved.

[broke=Welcome Back!][back on topic][/broke]
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
My thoughts on color tags are in the thread that discussed it, just so you all know I was completely against the rule. I have also been punished for using all color text.

Wow, it seems that for once we're on the same side over something.... Hi Deck! Hi Shados!

Everyone remember this moment for the rest of your lives, possibly the only time me and Sansui will ever agree on something xD
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Malufa, can't you get rid of this green text? It can be seen on white background,but some of us use dark theme, white seems too formal. Using default color will switch to most apropriate color. Your color it's impossible to read it without selecting the whole text.

I'm reading it fine on the default style, which has a dark brown background heh.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
yeh i have dark brown atm, i think the green is ok on it, its even the colour used for the page number and the "previous/next thread" buttons and i can read it fine. anyways Ralle himself has already stated that Malufas green colour is fine. perhaps there should be a request to remove this rule completely because so far the only complainers seem to be archian and mechanical man, most others think colour is fine.
Level 8
Jan 19, 2007
Just for record:

One got reputation for coming back.

He does not get -rep for posting colored for more than 1 (friendly 2) times.

Do not know you either, something to show off, or did you just post around ?

Win yourself respect for the next generation.

Enjoy your stay on the hiveworkshop.

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
@Chaos speak intelligible English please, I have no idea what you just said.

@Nemesis for once, i'm on Archians defense here, sort of :p Archian didn't actually have a problem with it (apparently) and the rule was created after recieving complaints from several new users. The new users in question, their number and what reasons they have for whining, are still unknown.

I can read Malufa's text fine against the dark brown background of the default template. I can read it fine on any template. I don't think it matters at all, and if you have a hard time reading Malufa's dark green posts, then perhaps yu should have yours eyes checked, because the majority here doesn't have a problem and hasen't had a problem for the several years that Malufa has been a member.

Welcome back, again, Malufa :D I look forward to more philisophical discussion, and if you decide to hang around, then I eagerly await to see the first post around here in a long while that is speckled with dark green :)
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I brought up that him getting rep from just coming back from a Hive colma(lol)is an outrage since he should earn rep like the rest of us.Sure we don't know him and he may have been great but that shouldn't make a difference of how he WAS he should get rep for helping people when he does it.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Yes, but you aren't Malufa, you don't know him like we do, you don't have a reputation to defend, and most of all, you aren't smart or well connected enough to say whatever the hell you want :p He outranks the mods, therefor he can say whatever he wants to them lol

He ha a reputation? Since when? Oh yeah! 2 years ago? "You don't know him like we do" Barely anyone knows him. I am smart, and you can't disprove that, and who cares what "connections" I have with other people. He does not out rank the mods in any way, unless you count the size of his ego. He cannot say what ever he wants, in my opinion, if his attitude stays the same he should have a three day ban for being so disrespectful, and the only reason he IS disrespectful is because he thinks Ralle will back him up (and I mean if his attitude stays the same over a long period of time) Because it's just annoying, thinking he's better than everyone
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I don't want to say i dislike Malufa because i don't infact i mean no disrespect but Im just saying that getting rep for returning to the Hive is unsensible.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
who cares about rep? its a nice thing to have but not worth fighting over. its not like i check your rep before i read your post and its not like i judge your post on your rep. rep is really useful for telling people that you have helped or something like that, i think it is nice to see him back and i would give him rep. just as if you and i were close on this forum and you were to go away and return i would give your rep. rep im guessing mean reputation, but i would like to think of it more as a little thing we can share if we think someone deserves it, i think William does and so it should be granted. all he has done is come back been nice, then get shouted at for breaking a "half-rule" that has been revoked now and then he tried to defend himself for something he has always and i mean ALWAYS done. i would be a little angry, as would anyone with some self respect and a little back bone, rules or no rules.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Rep tells people if your respected or a new user.For example you have a ton of rep and you're and animation mod so i would go to you if i had an Animation question.If you had barely any but were still a mod i might question why your a mod and not trust you in answering any question.

Sorry if I sounded like i was yelling but i was just stating it so don't take it like i was yelling.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
lol, but i'm geetitng really annoyed at ignorant bastards asking questions. Malufa outsmarts you by a ratio of around 10 : 1. You lose. He wins. Just stop trying to take a piss on the guy and go back to whatever the hell it is that you do around here.

You don't like that he got rep because he came back? Tough shit. If you make an excellent reputation for yourself around here, get promoted to super mod, and then leave and return 2 years later, (it actually has been about a year) if anyone actually cared about you or the things you did, you might get some rep as people would be happy to see you return. If you keep on going the way you are?

Well, to put it lightly, and to quote Bad Religion, "If you died and went to hell I'd throw a party on your grave"
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
I'm planning on going to hell. Lucifer is the merciful one of this world, taking in that of the rejected and damned.
Really, I'm an atheist, so what you say is just a bunch of incoherent babble about nothing :)

Brad, why don't you let Malufa talk for himself instead of you, anyway? Or are you some puppet just trying to please the master? ^^
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
You may have been respected in the past but this is now the future and Brad, learn that as well and ..just STOP insulting other people, we don't care if you think he is great or you think hes so many other things, he will have to regain respect from the new people if he wants to be respected from them.

Please stop this fighting, everyone just stop it. Iv had enough and iv had my say already awhile ago.

If you think they are annoying then let Mal deal with it (but kindly) or other mods.

Brad, if you continue insulting people, then your breaking down into what we warned you about.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
lol, but i'm geetitng really annoyed at ignorant bastards asking questions. Malufa outsmarts you by a ratio of around 10 : 1. You lose. He wins. Just stop trying to take a piss on the guy and go back to whatever the hell it is that you do around here.

You don't like that he got rep because he came back? Tough shit. If you make an excellent reputation for yourself around here, get promoted to super mod, and then leave and return 2 years later, (it actually has been about a year) if anyone actually cared about you or the things you did, you might get some rep as people would be happy to see you return. If you keep on going the way you are?

Well, to put it lightly, and to quote Bad Religion, "If you died and went to hell I'd throw a party on your grave"

Yaknow what Brad? I'm getting really sick of you. So how's about you shut the bloody oath up before I just get too bored and perma-ban you?

Oh, and Brad, I'm serious. You had better start controlling yourself, because the next outburst and you are gone sir. I don't care what any other moderators have to say, because I will PERSONALLY ensure that you are punished

Now how's about you go and deflate your ego?
Level 8
Jan 19, 2007
You may have been respected in the past but this is now the future and Brad, learn that as well and ..just STOP insulting other people, we don't care if you think he is great or you think hes so many other things, he will have to regain respect from the new people if he wants to be respected from them.

Please stop this fighting, everyone just stop it. Iv had enough and iv had my say already awhile ago.

If you think they are annoying then let Mal deal with it (but kindly) or other mods.

Brad, if you continue insulting people, then your breaking down into what we warned you about.

What I meant in my last reply.

And Brad, my english is fine, maybe you think twice before writing, no offence to you ! :emote_sleepy:

Level 3
Apr 16, 2007
Yaknow what Brad? I'm getting really sick of you. So how's about you shut the bloody oath up before I just get too bored and perma-ban you?

Oh, and Brad, I'm serious. You had better start controlling yourself, because the next outburst and you are gone sir. I don't care what any other moderators have to say, because I will PERSONALLY ensure that you are punished

Now how's about you go and deflate your ego?

Sometimes you gotta fight for your right when you're
Not sure you're in a fight for your rep on the net, right?

If you ain't packin' any tactics you might get your ass kicked
Even if you are a little knuckle head
I'm kinda sick of being aggravated, i'm glad I'm hated

I guess i'm doin' somethin' right
You gotta know when to stop and don't go over the top
'cuz i'm ready to rock and now i'm playin' for real

basiclly what mecheon said :p except i <3 mecheon already, he SETS THE LAW DOWN and thats final.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
I am smart, and you can't disprove that,

Every time you perpetuate a logical fallacy, I kill a kitten. Please stop the killing, mean sir.

Sometimes you gotta fight for your right when you're
Not sure you're in a fight for your rep on the net, right?

If you ain't packin' any tactics you might get your ass kicked
Even if you are a little knuckle head
I'm kinda sick of being aggravated, i'm glad I'm hated

I guess i'm doin' somethin' right
You gotta know when to stop and don't go over the top
'cuz i'm ready to rock and now i'm playin' for real

basiclly what mecheon said :p except i <3 mecheon already, he SETS THE LAW DOWN and thats final.

<3 Head for the Barricade! I'm so putting it on right now :D. You missed alot though, like:
That's what happened back in Columbine,
you gotta know when to stop and don't go over the top.
'Cause there's a chamber deep inside the brain,
that's covered with chains so don't be shaking 'em loose.

EDIT: Also, <3 Mecheon, but you and brad both need to go take holidays at the opposite poles and let your tempers cool.

Another EDIT: Whoah frick almost forgot!

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I'm planning on going to hell. Lucifer is the merciful one of this world, taking in that of the rejected and damned.
Really, I'm an atheist, so what you say is just a bunch of incoherent babble about nothing :)

Brad, why don't you let Malufa talk for himself instead of you, anyway? Or are you some puppet just trying to please the master? ^^

Not a puppet, just a friend sticking up for another friend :) Incoherent babble FTW! :p
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
Wow, what's all this crap I hear about people complaining about Malufa?

Alright as someone who has been with the Hive for awhile since before the move I would say that Malufa MORE THAN DESERVES the rep. Malufa is without a doubt one of the best people to grace the war3 modding community in my opinion. He was a mod here long before this site NEEDED mods. He is a sensible, and excellently reasoning individual. And if you guys are all gonna complain then I say this:

Give him my rep. I would gladly give him all my rep just so he can get the privileges that come with it! I have no doubt in my mind that he would not abuse the power, but rather use it even more fairly and more justly than I ever would. No one deserves it more than him.

The fact is he wasn't around when we had the rep system so think of it like we're finally giving him the rep he deserves.

The color tag rule was added in effect long after he left. I believe Malufa when he says that Ralle has not told him to stop. Malufa (as he has stated before) CAN talk to Ralle in a much more personal way than any of us ever could.

I highly advise people to take the matter up with Ralle. He's away at the moment but I have messaged him informing him about this matter.

And as for him joining before 05. . .I assure you beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was here. And hey I just checked - my join date is crap too! Not even the month is correct!


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
OK, I am a bit out of time but I think I might have to join in, to this too.

William. I know that we are good friends. If I were to call you, it would be about that you should respect the sites rules and that my moderators are only here to help me. They represent me. They might be harsh sometimes, but they do their jobs just fine. When it comes to lawbreakers, they like to fight. So I beg you, please read our laws. Please.

The color rule is no more. I might have to announce it on the front page.

You are a good friend of mine but your "lawbreaking" will result in negrep and infraction, and in the end a ban.

NOTE (I only read the two first pages, i will come back to this later)


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
I dont give a rats ass if you made lots of maps, terrian, helped Ralle with his map, know a guy by the name of DukeWintermaul or gave Ralle butsecks once upon a time.
When it comes to this site you better behave and show respect to the staff members, as almost every-single-one of them have done 100 times more for the Warcraft 3 Modding communities than you possibly ever have! :emote_laugh:
I know Ralle too you know, I have his holy mobile phone number as well. So quit talking big! :emote_razz:
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