• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!



I dont have to comment, there is already one in the screenshot ! :p

holy, inquisitor, hero, human, light, good, honor, Uther

HeroInquisitor (Texture)

THE_END: Looks great, alot more of a holy defender than the normal Paladin skin




THE_END: Looks great, alot more of a holy defender than the normal Paladin skin
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
what you see at grey appears white to me, but now when you say it... that's true than he is very gray...
nvm, looks good for my project lol, a bit egoism is nice sometimes^^

annede yaisse aie choulde lirne annegliche sinnetacse.
(wink for french people^^)
Level 9
May 7, 2005
his face, he looks too old, he does not have the strenght to fight the evil as he did in his youth, this guy serves to tell stories in a warm and peaceful hut, not to face the wrath of the burning hells

nevertheless, i think his clothes are very well made

now its time of French class with Professor Raiju:

tres bien Pins!

vullevouz parléé francéé, au revoir, oui oui, sil vous plaite. Montjoie Saint Denis!

jajajaja! ahora yo quero ver quem sabe frances! :D

above its just a little spanish
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
He is oldn he have the experience and the magic necessary... and it's just a chief...
Your french is... good, but i'll say you lack vocabulary^^
Now tell this to your french teacher : Hola manant, que me baillez-vous les esgourdes avec vos sales Orthographes et Gramaires ! Aleye donc vous faire voir chez la peuplade héllenistique et ne revenez point avant que votre fondement fasse sept fois celui d'un équidné !

Try to find the well pronociation also^^
Level 9
May 7, 2005
hola hermano! ahora sei q tú habla frances y español, pelo menos un pouquito sí?

but you are getting too, enthusiasmathic muchachos!

i wonder if you will make the holy soldiers of the Inquisitor (like you did the heretics for the heretic mage)

well, gracias for the compliment!

merci bocu!

Sidenote: i dont have french teacher, we only learn Latin and English at school, but french is the most Latin-closed language of all, even spanish!
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
thanks !

In the RDZ context or not ? :p

Latin is apretty cool language, EXCEPT WHEN IT'S LEARNED AT SCHOOL !!!!!!!! I choose latin as option some years ago, and our teacher was a gnikcuf hctib... if you dont see what I mean just read from right to left.

if everything goes like I want, yes there would be some Inquisition guards.

I'll answer publicly to a question someone asked me by pm (and you wont know who), is the term 'Inquisition' from nice taste ?

In fact, the Inquisition in the 'true world' was an abomination, just a pretext to prove than the Church had still the power than some people were beginning to doubt. they massacre people and made some other things than i wont talk about because we never know perhaps there is some childs in our group. Questions at the end, please.
But in the Warcraft's world (which is virtual I remember you^^), people don't know the inquisition as we know it. So in my map, Inquisition will be used as its first definition, it's an order which purchase Heretics to kill them. But without the massacres well-knowed in the true world (which isnt real, get it ?).

Of course, if this name shock some of you, perhaps because your parents had been killed by Torquemada (I doubt a bit), i'ld change the name ! But It's not meant to offend, shock or refer to the true Inquisition. Get it ? :p If you read this, that shows than you're not afraid to read my pitfull english and I thank you.

ANNOUNCE : All the map wil be in french. All. Don't cry, if i can finish it (less than sure), i'ld make an English traduction.

Thanks for your attention. :lol:
Level 9
May 7, 2005
now some ideas, if you didnt think on it already:

other religious-magistracy charges:

Executor - he does the dirty work of the church, those they dont want the mob to know...

Prosecutor - a battle monk, trained all his life to be the Inquisition's brute force against the evil

Fanatic - a simple warrior imbued with berserker faith, they come from the mob, so there are many of them

you can even put zealots, bishops, crusaders, champions of the light, cavaliers and such

of course the map is yours you make it whatever you want, just gave some ideas :wink:

*would be better if you put the real inquisition on it, more interesting
Level 9
Nov 6, 2004
You should definitly do more skins of this style, top notch Pins. Now, let's see how well 8 years of french classes have paid off...

Très bien Pins! Probablement un de tes plus belles err... (skins), tu devrais continué avec ce style ici. J'èspère de voir plus de tois Pins :D
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
Hey your french is very nice :p

The 'corrected' version is :
Très bien Pins *! Probablement une de tes plus belles skins, tu devrais continuer avec ce style (ici). J'espère voir plus de [skins de] toi Pins :D

* : In french syntax, we put a space before AND after the '!'.

you weren't too far :p

EDIT : I have friends (frenchs) who makes more mistakes than you^^
Level 2
Aug 17, 2005
hey! i think they speak english AND french in canada

LoL you JUST figured that out?? :lol: Hahahahahaha n00belf.

ps- this skin sucks worth monkey BaLLz. UGLY BEARD, you did horrible :evil:
Level 6
Mar 12, 2008
Damn sweet skin! Now I just need to import it! Hm... I wonder whats the file path. *Looks at where the file path would be, and sees nothing.* ....

Anyone mind explaining why the file path thing is empty? Also, can someone please tell me what file path to use? Hm... everyone is speaking french here so Gracias Muchisimos!