Hero that manipulates enemies

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Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
I need an idea for a Hero that should be the master of manipulation. Let me explain:

It's a hero arena map with some modifications, but hero arena, nevertheless.
The hero which I need the idea for should be unable to do any damage whatsoever (by himself, that is).
His abilities should allow him to manipulate enemies into making foolish decisions, risking when they aren't supposed to and that kind of stuff.

However, it's a multiplayer map, so it shouldn't be just a trigger that tells somebody to attack the closest ally or anything like this.
I would want an enemy to start doubting who his ally is if this hero gets too far ahead. He shouldn't be scary because he can deal massive amounts of damage (because he deals no damage), but because when he's around you should fear that your allies will turn on you (which in return should make you turn on them), etc.
I could probably do something like that if I think a little about it.
But here is something I find impossible to think of (at least by myself). Something that should mess with minds of experienced players. Let's assume I play against him some day. I have made the map and know what he can do, but I should also be tricked by it.

I don't know if it's possible to do anything like this, but I would really appreciate your input.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
I've got two suggestions, don't know how well they'll work but here goes; charm can be re-worked to be able to target heroes I believe, if you set the duration to something like "10 or 20" this hero will be able to directly control the enemies heroes for 10 or 20 seconds.

Secondly there is an item ability called "illusion" or something similar to that I believe, this ability can be remade such that it creates an illusion of a hero unit, this illusion can be made to deal damage and you can even make it so that it can create an illusion of a hero.

Hope these two suggestions help you out
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
I've got two suggestions, don't know how well they'll work but here goes; charm can be re-worked to be able to target heroes I believe, if you set the duration to something like "10 or 20" this hero will be able to directly control the enemies heroes for 10 or 20 seconds.

Secondly there is an item ability called "illusion" or something similar to that I believe, this ability can be remade such that it creates an illusion of a hero unit, this illusion can be made to deal damage and you can even make it so that it can create an illusion of a hero.

Hope these two suggestions help you out
For the first one, I've already thought of that, but the enemies would know it's my ability and wouldn't attack him. I had an idea to replace his model with one of my team, so they would think it's an enemy, but the target player could just write in their team chat that he has been targeted by an ability.
However, if there is a guide on how to change models of units for just one player, I might change everybody he sees to look like enemies and make him look like enemy to everybody else. So if this exists, and somebody knows about it, please link it.
Illusion idea is good in a way that it fits the theme. However, it would be useless against players who played this map a few times. However, if an illusion would be visible only to me and to the target enemy (but not his allies), he could be tricked into chasing something which doesn't exist. (Can I do that? Anyone knows?)

What I'm asking is something that would make enemy player unable to see the difference between allies and enemies.
If there is an option to create a unit only the target enemy will see, it would be good to link that, because it could be useful.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
1th spell would still be useful as you could use the controlled hero to deal damage against his friends.
Basicly: Use the charm spell and you now have two heroes capable of casting spells and dealing damage.
Just make sure you disable item dropping from the charmed hero for the duration of the spell or it would be really annoying to be targeted by it.

The illusion spell would still deal damage, so enemy players would want to attack the illusion too.

You could do the unit only visible to you and the target if you make the players in each team only allies to each other (not shared vision), give the illusion permanent invisiblity and then giving true sight to casting player and illusion target for the duration of the spell.
Not the best way of doing it, but a relatively simple one.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
1th spell would still be useful as you could use the controlled hero to deal damage against his friends.
Basicly: Use the charm spell and you now have two heroes capable of casting spells and dealing damage.
Just make sure you disable item dropping from the charmed hero for the duration of the spell or it would be really annoying to be targeted by it.

The illusion spell would still deal damage, so enemy players would want to attack the illusion too.

You could do the unit only visible to you and the target if you make the players in each team only allies to each other (not shared vision), give the illusion permanent invisiblity and then giving true sight to casting player and illusion target for the duration of the spell.
Not the best way of doing it, but a relatively simple one.
It would be useful in dealing damage, yes. But it wouldn't fit my idea. My hero should deal no damage whatsoever. He should trick other enemies do what he wants (chase nonexisting unit into the forest, attack his ally thinking it's an enemy, etc.). But he, himself shouldn't deal any damage.
Therefore, I do not want any unit dealing damage, so two units doing that is too much.

Illusion would deal damage, but it wouldn't trick enemies.
-your idea: enemies are chasing me, I use illusion to escape, they focus down it and me one by one and kill me
-my idea: enemies are chasing me, I use a spell to switch places with me and an enemy, switch our models to other players, but not to us; as a result he would see me turning around and fighting back, however, his allies would see me as him and him as me, and they would attack him thinking it's me, while i would just run away

As for invis idea, it's definitely not good for this. I need shared vision for teams, and I need him to see the unit on the other side of the map, while allies on the other side of the map shouldn't be able to see it, even if it stands next to them. (the unit wouldn't attack, it would just be the bait for the target player, moving where I command it and ignoring the collision, so it doesn't bug anything)

Your ideas are good for hero with this theme, but I'm trying to make something new that encourages unique playstyle instead of usual damage-tank-support playstyles. Hope my intentions are clear now.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Misdirected Multicast: Targets an allied hero. Whenever that hero casts a target-point spell (Blizzard, Blink, wards...), creates illusions of that spell in random locations around the spell's target point. Illusions deal no damage and last half as long as the real spell.

False Alarm: Creates Mirror Images of all enemies in the AoE, dissipating after a few seconds.

Over There!: Creates a distraction (explosion, death sound, succubus...) at the target point, all enemies in the (very large) AoE without an attack order move towards the point.

Smoke and Mirrors: All enemies in the AoE are Cursed.

Reinforcement: Creates Mirror Images of friendly units in the Aoe belonging to the units owners.

Turncoat: Change the teamcolor of all units in the AoE and makes them Neutral Hostile for a few seconds.

Switcheroo (Channeling): Exchanges places with a target unit. Hero gains 100% damage reduction during channeling, damage he would have taken is dealt to the switched unit.

Broken Mirror (Passive): Enemy attacks have a chance of creating a Mirror Image of the hero, increasing with level.


Maybe look at your paranoia hero for more ideas.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
Misdirected Multicast: Targets an allied hero. Whenever that hero casts a target-point spell (Blizzard, Blink, wards...), creates illusions of that spell in random locations around the spell's target point. Illusions deal no damage and last half as long as the real spell.

False Alarm: Creates Mirror Images of all enemies in the AoE, dissipating after a few seconds.

Over There!: Creates a distraction (explosion, death sound, succubus...) at the target point, all enemies in the (very large) AoE without an attack order move towards the point.

Smoke and Mirrors: All enemies in the AoE are Cursed.

Reinforcement: Creates Mirror Images of friendly units in the Aoe belonging to the units owners.

Turncoat: Change the teamcolor of all units in the AoE and makes them Neutral Hostile for a few seconds.

Switcheroo (Channeling): Exchanges places with a target unit. Hero gains 100% damage reduction during channeling, damage he would have taken is dealt to the switched unit.

Broken Mirror (Passive): Enemy attacks have a chance of creating a Mirror Image of the hero, increasing with level.


Maybe look at your paranoia hero for more ideas.

Turncoat seems pretty similar to what I want. But the problem is that I don't want to force somebody to attack their ally. I want to trick him into willingly making a decision to attack his ally (because he doesn't know it's an ally). And since I cannot find any tutorial or have no idea how to change how a unit looks for just one player (so it even might be impossible), I need some other ideas.

And my paranoia hero deals is an assassin (and is already partially implemented on the map, and I don't want similarities between different heroes, that's why I don't want simply use illusions for this hero).

From previous topics, you were extremely helpful, but this time you kinda missed the point, so I'll try to explain better:

Abilities shouldn't be CC abilities and/or mirror images. The goal is to make an enemy player unable to distinguish friends from enemies, taking in consideration that they can communicate.
Example of what most ideas from here would actually do:
-I cast charm (from one of previous posts) on an enemy, then he writes in chat: I'm charmed, don't use aoe until it ends, so you don't kill me. And also, people aren't stupid, they won't attack their teammate, even though he is charmed.
-I cast turncoat on an enemy, he could notify his allies that he has been targeted by it, so they can stun him before he deals damage to them. And again, they aren't stupid, they wont kill his ally, even though he is neutral hostile.
Example of what I need:
-I cast X ability. Enemy targeted by it should have something happen to him, so he cannot distinguish between allies and enemies. Maybe all units look the same, so he doesn't know who to attack (but model changing for one player only, afaik, is not possible, correct me if I'm wrong).
-I cast Y ability. Enemy targeted by it looks like one of my allies to his allies. In combination with X ability, you can effectively make players fight their allies. (Up to a point, but it could still mess with them every time they see a unit)

Basically, my idea for it cannot be realized in World Editor (or at least I can't find anybody who knows how), so I need a new idea for it.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

It might be possible, but I think you'd need a complete overhaul of the game's basic commands, so units only attack when ordered instead of auto-attacking, which an RTS isn't well-adapted for. Or something like having everyone remain neutral towards each other with only teamcolor indicating who's on who's team, or no colors with some spells serving solely to identify sides.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013

It might be possible, but I think you'd need a complete overhaul of the game's basic commands, so units only attack when ordered instead of auto-attacking, which an RTS isn't well-adapted for. Or something like having everyone remain neutral towards each other with only teamcolor indicating who's on who's team, or no colors with some spells serving solely to identify sides.

I was thinking of changing alliances for the duration and removing/adding the vision. So that the communication would also be interrupted for the duration (making it very hard to signal your allies which one is you, even if you figure out who are they).
The main problem is that I can't effectively change the target to look like another unit without changing the unit. Making it pretty easy to see who is who. I'll try to ask in trigger section if there's any other way to make all heroes look the same to only one player, while others see them as it is.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2013
Instead of having a unit change model, just create a new one next to it with the same color and whatever owner is needed. Human players can't tell them apart.

I don't think I understand what you mean by that. Can you elaborate?

Anyhow, it seems my idea cannot be implemented.
So now we're looking for some new ideas of what could be done to make a whole team to turn on each other without making them lose control of their hero.
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
The problem with a paranoia inducing hero is that there is always one basic thing which remains constant: the cursor. So unless you have some method to hide the cursor (which will make your job a whole lot easier), what you need to do is to make the player rely on the cursor as much as possible, slowing them down. Now, I have no experience regarding multiplayer so my ideas might be hard to implement, but here goes nothing:

Black mask: literally covers the player's view with a black mask, a fade filter with moderate/low transparency, making him almost blind for a couple of seconds.

Hallucinogen: marks the player with a hallucinogenic toxin, causing him to see things. create illusions with a fast movement speed and have those enter and exit his field of vision.

Et tu?: temporarily changes a player's allegiance (not charm, leaving him in control of the hero), making chaos ensue (especially when in groups).

Mimic: creates a mine like unit/ward/whatever, with an item chest model.

Neuro degradation: curses an enemy unit for a short duration, so that whenever it is issued an order, there's a chance that another order might be arbitrarily issued after it. For instance: the player orders his hero to go to a certain point, and there's a 40% chance that the unit will be sent an order to go to a different point in about the same distance, the same goes with attacking units. you can choose whether to silence the hero or allow it to cast abilities, because I think it will be really problematic to change ability targets on the fly.

another problem with the last ability is that it might lag in case the user overloads it's hero with commands. Worth a shot, though.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
^^ As in, whenever there's an enemy unit you want to look like an ally, create a clone of the unit withthe same teamcolor, preventing the player from knowing which is which.

As for making teams turn on each other, have stuff like having unique items up for grabs, debuffs that can only be removed by giving it to another allied hero...
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