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Hero of Eden Ville v1.1

Created by Guramax


After inhereting your grandfather's farm.
The King's army is about to take not only the farm but also the village!
Do you have what it takes to save this land and become the Hero of Eden Ville?

Basic Features:

  • Has cinematic events for understanding the story
  • Enterable Buildings
  • Wonderful areas for Systems such as Mining, Wood Cutting and Fishing
  • Unique Tool System
  • Interactable structures such as Windmill
  • Chicken Incubator System
  • Unique animal feeding and extraction system
  • Unique crop system
  • Hunger and Drunk System
  • Cooking System
  • Structure and tool Upgrades
  • Unique Tip System (At the Book Shelf)
  • Simple Exp System
  • Many shops
  • Applicable jolly music







Change Log:

  • v1.0: All the basic features
  • v1.1:
    • Changed Day Limit into 30 days. (31st day is the game over day if you don't donate the said amount of gold).
    • Fixed Pull Hook Unit Bug.
    • Slightly increased the AoE of Pull Hook Ability.
    • Increased Cooldown of Fishing Rod to avoid bugging.
  • v1.2: Not Available


Icon credits:

  • Guramax (Me :p)
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • darkdeathknight
  • lelyanra
  • Zynga (Farmville)
  • kola
  • Peekay
  • Google
  • Coinblin
  • asailant
  • NFWar

Model credits:

  • Cavman - Cow Model

Music credits:

  • Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - Summer

Special Thanks to

the following:
  • -Kobas- - For Map Description Tutorial
  • Aesthetics - For Simple Loading Screen Tutorial
  • Darg - For minimap image tutorial
  • Tekal - Creating Enterable/Exitable Houses (Idea)

Author's notes

After about 3 months of glitching progress, I finally finished the map.
After winning, you can still continue playing and have a contest with your
friends who's the better farmer!
Please post any comment, suggestions, or.and any violent reactions.
Please Approve my Potato icon if you see it good in game.
Please also vote for approval of this map and my other map:
Island Survivors v1.6
Island Survivors v1.7

This is somehow a long, single player game. I hope you enjoy farming!
Thank you and take care.

Hero of Eden Ville, Farming, Harvesting, Mining, Wood Cutting, Farm, Life, Peasant, Work, Fun, Vegetable, Animals, Guramax, Harvest Moon, Single Playe

Hero of Eden Ville v1.1 (Map)

10:06, 23rd Apr 2014 Orcnet: Map approved.
Level 9
Apr 22, 2011
Gonna give it a try . :3
Edit : This look likes a Harvest Moon :eek:.

Hi there.., I'm glad that you liked my map.., And yeah, I get the idea from harvest moon after I play Hero of Leaf Valley.., :D

Well, I could adjust the deadline date to 30 days because people end up cheating, like my cousin.., hahaha..,

I would also like to thank you for telling me about a bug in my game.., I'll fix it up right away..,

PS: I placed special plants to grow around the map which can be sold for a quick gold aside from mass planting crops. They spawn randomly in a cycle by chance. And the villagers will help you with extra gold if you are low of it before the deadline.

Thank you once again..,

Edit: I think mining is also a great way to earn that precious gold but you have to get to the last room of the Mine for a sure chance of getting high grade ores and precious stones.., Read the books in the book shelf.., Use the knowledge to make your own strategy.., Have fun!! :D
Last edited:
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Played it for awhile and I thought of some things for your map:
-The map could have stacking system so items such as hays and any charged items will not waste countless space when many. (Stacking System: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...53287/?prev=search=Stack%20System&d=list&r=20)
-The map could also have a backpack system which when opened will give you extra slots. Having only 6 inventory slot is not that convenient seeing that all of your tools for gaining hays, planting, chopping trees and etc. almost uses up the whole inventory (4 used out of 6 slots) and leaves only a small amount of space for other items unless you'll keep comng back to store or drop the items for another one which is not a good practice. (Simple Backpack System: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...42/?prev=search=Backpack%20System&d=list&r=20)
-The game could have some tips revolving throughout the game. It's pretty much convenient for the map and players will not be lost playing because I for one knows how to play this but seems lost.

You should implement these things and I'll give the map another try.
Level 5
Mar 2, 2014
A Harvest Moon for Warcraft =) Awesome

Like your Systems, very simple and efficient.

I had the 10000 by day 11, I went Mining, once I bombed the 2nd wall I got saphires, rubys and such.

I hope for this map to get bigger! As it is it's a tiny little gem of a map.

Of course you should add the things mentioned by hell master, stacking things would make crops more profitable (speaking time-effort/revenue).

Other Suggestions:

The Stones and treestombs should really be rightclick-attack like crates in original warcraft instead of having to hit A everytime after you use your hammer or move on to another stone.

The Fishing could be a lot more fun if the "Bobber" could actually move. Yes it would be less realistic, but the fish also aren't taunt by the bobber, which would be more realistic. If the Bobber can move its all about "Bobber go here, - Hit Q.

The crops could give a little more revenue as well as eggs. If its possible the Chicken should be "Give food, come back later or wait some time, egg is there, food got eaten, give new one." otherwise you just go to town, buy food, go back to chicken(s), use up all food, take the eggs, go sell them, go buy food, come back, feed chickens etc.

The crafting system should at least let me make gold-stuff :p

Overall good work, good luck

The Twisted
Level 9
Apr 22, 2011
Thank you!!

My first map ever to be approve here.., hahaha.., I'll try coping with your suggestions to improve my map.., as a hint Wife System is on progress.., hehehe.., I cannot promise to incorporate all because I'm not that expert in map making, plus, I'm working now for me to survive life but I'll still try my best.., again thank you.., =D
Level 1
May 17, 2012
nice map, but i think u need upgrade this map
1st make that opening cinematic until jack meet rohan, because u can pass them if u walk on right side road(near rocks)
2nd make more difficult, maybe u can put option easy normal hard, sorry but easy to collect 10k(only need 6-8day)
Level 10
Nov 16, 2012
Suggestions -

»Planting - Instead of the 'Single Target' planting change it to the box. Box that looks like building. It's easier to combine with others, so it won't stuck.
»Wife Characters - If you're going to find 'Wife' they must be a known characters.
»Wife Event - There must be a chance of starting a event. I mean of 'Event' is for the wife. You must completely finish the 5 event.
»Answers - If a event would occur you must choose what will you say. There would be a box that would appear when the event occured.

Level 9
Apr 22, 2011
HELP! Hov i am suppoused to harvest? I used tools on the first plant, its not working!

Hi there! Problems about plant and harvesting? Maybe this is what you did:

You attacked" Harvest" the plant which are not yet fully grown.., They will die that way.., After planting them in a tilled soil, you have to wait until it grows up it has a time indicator.., I hope it helps..,
Level 2
Oct 29, 2014
Why wou don't simply add in the cinematc all we have to do for ourselves. This wold make the map more interesting.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Pretty Good Map! I'll Give this a Short Review:

Well, lets start from the Music. It was a Looping Music. It was Messy, But It gave the feeling of a Village and Farming.

The First cinematic was Good, nothing special, Only telling the backstory. Nothing much to say here.

The terrain was Blizz-like. It wasn't bad, in fact it was pretty good, but using custom trees was better. However The Tile variation Wasn't that good. That needs some work.

The Atmosphere of the game was pretty good! It has A Slow theme. BUT the game takes a long time and is Repeating. So it got boring after a while.

The Harvest system, Mining, fishing, Lumbering and Crafting systems where good. Positive Point.

So, I guess This Has the Ability to be Improved, altough it has A Good Atmosphere overall.
It deserves a 4/5.
Level 6
May 21, 2011
Thank you!

I tried your map recently, and i think this is one of the best loap i ever seen here.
Just becouse it's:
-Very good and lovely story
-The player can decide how he get's the goal
-And that how you implemented the ingame help! Very creative! Just love this little library
Level 7
Mar 9, 2016
Ohh, i had this map years ago...
My brother had bunch of maps and so he sent them over to me, all i remember is that i was really epic haha.
I rated it 5/5
The memories...
I was a kid when i played this map :p
Level 3
Dec 1, 2018
Great and chill map with a bit of a grind, at the beginning it seems a bit overwhelming and you will probably have a feeling that you won't acquire enough gold by day 30, let alone day 25, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to to do everything this map has to offer and it might even become a waiting game (it did for me, since I had enough gold on day 20 and didn't bother to wait for the timer to run out).

If anyone struggles with this, the best way to get rich is to
grind ore at the final depth in mine.

Overall, it is a fun map, especially for any fan of Stardew Valley or as others said Harvest Moon.

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