[Solved] Hero level Required when entering a region

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Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
Please follow this link and share your teleport triggers so I know how to better advise you: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/miscellaneous-tutorials-456/how-easily-post-triggers-163285/

its literally the same trigger you posted here. I simply do not know how to contruct "(Hero Level of (Entering unit)) Greater than X" with the listenings and shit in conditions. The closest thing i've come to is:
Real comparison. (Life of (triggering unit)) greater than or equal to 10.
Theres no way to change "life" to "hero level" or something related to that

Please follow this link and share your teleport triggers so I know how to better advise you: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/miscellaneous-tutorials-456/how-easily-post-triggers-163285/

yo i figured it out. thanks for the help man. you gave me a basic template and i figure dout how to fill it! cheers!
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