Hero ideas for tiny Hero Arena

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Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Hey there Hivers I'm in need of your help.
I'm currently making a hero arena which is very centered on fast hero vs. hero combat.
This hero arena will feature unique items and heroes all in a tiny (32x32) sized map.
Right now I’m in need of hero ideas and eventually also some items.
I would like the heroes’ abilities to be triggered (in gui. Haven’t figured Jazz out yet).
All users with ideas used will be credited with rep and will also be mentioned in the map. :infl_thumbs_up:

Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
.... and another hero battle map......

Well I always suggest the same hero:

Dark Angel:


Covering Shadows: Summons a huge black cloud (model in model section) reducing enemies damage and attack speed.

Night's embrace: During night the hero gets bonus damage and splash damage.

Corrupting Lightning: Black lightning hits one target. Deals inital damage, damage over time and when the target dies during this effect it explodes dealing damage in an area.

Ultimate: Evil Soul: Transforms into a huge black angel. (model in model section)

Needed models:

Ulti Transform
Dark lightning
Dark Lightning nova
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
A hero for an old project of mine, so not used:

Primalist (DruidOfTheClaw model) (Strength)

Eagle Strike - Summons an eagle that will strike target enemy, causing XXX (small) samage and confusing the enemy (walks around for some secs)

Tiger Instincts - Quickly takes on a tiger aspect, increasing damage done and gives bonus hp (changes model, Metamorphosis)

Consume Tree - (Spell is in WE) Consumes a tree to restore XXX hp

Bears Recklessness - Increases Strength by XX

Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Ok... heroes... hmm... im empty...


Slash: Deals XXX damage to all units in front of the Swordmaster.

Cut: Cuts through the armor of the target enemy unit dealing XXX damage and reduces armor by X over XX seconds.

Combo: The next 20 attacks will deal bonus XX damage and attack rate is increased by XX% untill 20 attacks.

Finishing Blow (Passive): If you use Slash, Cut and Combo right after each other and use Finishing Blow, all nearby enemy units will take massive XXX damage and their movement speed will be reduced by XX%.

A little boring one, but PWNAGE with a finishing blow ^^


Chaos Rush: Increases attack speed by XX% but reduces attack damage by XX% over X seconds. While this effect is on, there is a XX% chance to stun enemy units on a attack for X second(s).

Unholy Will (Passive): Increases all damage taken by XX, increases armor by X and attack damage by XX.

Dark Path: Creates a Dark Path on the ground, every unit entering it will be stuck in it and take XX damage. When the Dark Path timer expires, the Deathrider will be teleported to the Dark Path, allowing him to strike the enemy units that is damaged. The Dark Path stays for XX seconds.

Soul Cut: Curses the Deathriders blade, allowing it to slice the Soul instead of body, allowing it to deal XX more damage and slow the target units movement speed and attack speed by XX%.

Thats it for now, i may come with more =)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
primary stat: Strength
model: Grom Hellscream/Grom possessed

Steel Shatter - deals X damage to the target and reduces armour to 0 for 10 seconds.

Bladestorm - increases attack speed by XX%, grants 75% splash damage and 25% critical strike chance (damage*2). doesnt require bladestorm anims

Rend Wave (passive) - grants X% chance on hit to release a shockwave, dealing damage equal to Steelreaver's normal attack damage. Range is 'bout 400.

Tsunami Strike - the Hero becomes stunned for 5 seconds, spinning in place (armour is reduced to 0 for the duration) and then releases a tremendous wave of force, damaging all units on the map and stunning them for 5 seconds. After that Steelreaver gets 50% increased attack and movement speed speed for 5 seconds. Costs 100% mana and 50% hp (to make it not overpowered).
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Thanks for the idea Trillium. I'll look into that one after I've done some others.
+rep :smile:
Level 4
Jul 25, 2008
Type: Strength
Model: Rexxar/Beastmaster

Enraging Blow: Deals XX damage over Y seconds. Lowers enemies armor by Z for Y seconds.

Rush: Moves the berserker towards his target, moving faster and dealing XX damage and stunning target for Y seconds.

Angered Stike [Passive] When hit the Berserker has a 25% chance to deal XX damage back to source, and lowering armor by Y for Z seconds.

Berserkers Fury: Ult: When this skill is activated the berserker will take 10 damage per second, when this skill is turned off everyone within 400 range takes the amount of damage lost.
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Thanks for the idea. I might just use some of the spells in a hero I'm already making since they are quite similar.
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Shock Mage:
Type: Intelligence
Model: Either Archmage or Jaina

Creates a wall of lightning ahead of the mage which moves forward causing XX damage to any units it hits (Not like the traditional Shockwave :p).

Lightning speed:
Hastes the unit, maybe leaving a trail of Purge (or any other) like damage causing effects.

Thunder Strike:
Unit shocks anyone near it with a lighning bolt, which causes XX damage and YY movement speed slowing

Storm of wrath:
Makes a Monsoon like cloud, which the Mage controls, which deals XX damage in lightning bolts that come down from the cloud.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Here is a Idea!

Thunder Soul

A very powerfull Soul that powers are based on electric spells. It is feared because of its incredible speed and powerfull shocking spells!

Special Ability (Unit Ability): Shock Aura: Every unit near the Thunder Soul will take (INT x 1) damage when a spell is casted.

:Hero Abilities:

Charges the Thunder Souls powers, increasing intilligence by XX and strength by XX over X seconds. The next spell casted will deal bonus XX damage.

Shock Wave:
Blasts a Shockwave that deals XX damage to nearby enemy units, the enemy units will be paralyzed (Any AS reducing effect) so their attack rate will decrease by XX% over XX seconds.

Static Rush: Rushes to a location with incredible speed, every unit in the Thunder Souls path will take XX damage and will be stunned for X second(s).

Thunderbolt: A normal thunderbolt will strike the target unit, dealing XX damage. But the target unit will have a Lightning Shield around it, that will deal X damage to all nearby friend and enemy units of the target unit over XX seconds.

Lightning Pulse Wave (Ultimate): A very powerfull wave of lightning, this will deal massive XXX damage to target units that gets hit. The units will miss their next 5 attacks, have XX% lower move and attack speed over (10 - 15) seconds.

I know its a wierd one :p
Level 3
Jun 15, 2009
Had this idea for a long time, cause i dont planing to do some hero map here you have.


Steal Soul - Steals enemys Soul for a xx seconds his/her soul. (Kind of stunning the enemy also deals xx damage). You can still attack him.

Damage Soul - Attack the enemy soul and deal xx damage.

Call Souls - Calls Souls of crewly thugs in hell to assist you.

Sell your Soul - You going to sell your Soul to the Devil which affords you to transmutate to a dreadful monster.
Got This One:
Hran of Zallar:

Wrath of Zallar: Deals xx Damage to all enemies on the map
Deception of Hran: Stuns all units on the map for 1 sec. cooldown decreases with each level.
Insurrection of Hell: Summons 6 Hellspawns: 2 that heal, 2 tanks and 2 debuffer/warriors.
Ultimate: The Hran of Zallar: Summons fourth Hran And Zallar the Gods of eternity for 10 seconds. Also permanently creates 3 skeletal demons.
Level 6
Nov 30, 2007
Jungle Pygmy - Agility Based Hero

Toxic Weapons : The jungle pygmy's attacks do extra damage and slow the opponent. Damage increases w/ level. Cooldown decreases when Intelligence rises. Damage increases w/ Agility.

Jungle Camoflague : The jungle pygmy turns invisible, his first attack after being stealthed does extra damage. Extra damage increases with Agility. Cooldown decreases when Intelligence rises. Stealth time increases with level.

Call of the Jungle : The pygmy summons a deadly jungle spider to aid him for some time. Spider's stats increase with level. Cooldown decreases when Intelligence rises.

Jungle Rage (Ultimate) : All nearby enemy units become entangled, holding them in place and sapping their HP. Holding time and damage increase with level. Cooldown decreases when Intelligence rises.
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