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Help with victory conditions

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Level 10
May 31, 2007
Hello again every1!!!

I am making an arena map and i need help with the victory conditions!!! I want the game to end when one team has 500 kills!!! How can i do that? Is there a possibility to add a multiboard/leaderboard to show team kills and deaths as well as player kills/deaths!!! :eekani::eekani:

-And something a little off-topic considering the others: if I add creeps will it be stupid?:confused:
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
holyrider is right you need integer variable. One integer for both teams.
Event:A unit is killed
If killing unit is owned by team one
then set kills1 integer=kills1 integer + 1
else do nothing
If killing unit is owned by team two
then set kills2 integer=kills2 integer + 1
else do nothing
if kills1 integer is greater than 499
then victory for team1
defeat for team2
if kills2 integer is greater than 499
then victory for team2
defeat for team1
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