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[JASS] Help with this system, makes my jngp crash.

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Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
yeah, so i have this system for generating random dungeons.
//randomdungeons v1.0, by hijax.
//to use this, you need a wall building. its unitid must be h100
//usage: call walls(mapw, maph, wallz, dnsz)
//dnsz is the length of the corridors.
//wallz is the colsize of your wall unit. it is advised to be high.
//mapw is the amount of walls that can fit horizontally on your map
//maph is the vertical version of mapw
//call spawnboss(boss1, boss2, boss3, boss4) to spawn bosses. read the comments on the
//function for instructions on how to expand it
//this is a work in progress.
//the supposed start location is stored in the global variable startloc.
struct position
integer i
integer j

    position array bospla[7]=position.create
    location array bosplaloc[7]
    integer bosnum=0
    location startloc
    location array roomloc[500]

library paths
function walls takes integer mapw, integer maph, integer wallz, integer dnsz returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    // aka x
    local integer n=0
    //the next direction
    local integer l=0
    //stores what direction we last moved in
    local integer j=0
    //aka y
    local integer w=0
    local integer z=0
    //used to determine if we're done 'dungeoning'
    local integer array udg_map[mapw][maph]
    //first, we fill the array with 1's
        exitwhen i>mapw
        set j=0
            exitwhen j>maph
            set udg_map[i][j]=1
            set j=j+1
        set i=i+1
    //then, we clear a 'path' of 0's through it
    set i=GetRandomInt(0,83)
    //i denotes where we start
    set udg_startloc=Location((i*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())), 0)
    set udg_map[i][j] = 0
    set n=GetRandomInt(0, 2)
    //lets get moving. n now shows which direction to go in.
    // 0 is to the left of what we moved previously, 1 and 2 is straight forward, 3 is to the right
    //since we are in the top of the map, there is only three ways to go.
    if n==0then
        set i=i-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=0
    elseif n==1
    set j=j+1
    set udg_map[i][j]=0
    set l=3
elseif n==2
set i=i+1
set udg_map[i][j]=0
set l=2
    exitwhen z>dnsz
    set n=GetRandomInt(0,3)
    if (l==0 AND n==1) OR (l==0 AND n==2) OR (l==1 AND n==0) OR (l==3 AND n==3)
        //check if we should for some reason move left
        set i=i-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=0
    elseif (l==1 AND n==1) OR (l==1 AND n==2) OR (l==2 AND n==0) OR (l==0 AND n==3)
        //...or up
        set j=j-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=1
    elseif (l==2 AND n==1) OR (l==2 AND n==2) OR (l==3 AND n==0) OR (l==1 AND n==3)
        //...or right
        set i=i+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=2
    elseif (l==3 AND n==1) OR (l==3 AND n==2) OR (l==0 AND n==0) OR (l==2 AND n==3)
        //or maybe down?
        set j=j+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=3
    set z=z+1
set i=0
set j=0
set l=0
set n=0
//resetting again. were going to use l for some chance. because now, were going to do BOSSES(well, their rooms)
//n is a counter
    exitwhen i>mapw
    set j=0
        exitwhen j>maph
        set l=GetRandomInt(0,50)
        if udg_map[i][j]==0 AND l<1 then
            set bospla[n].i=i
            set bospla[n].j=j
        set j=j+1
    set i=i+1
set l=0
//l is a counter, to check if we've created enough rooms.
set j=0
set i=0
//as usual, these are the y and x of this script
set n=0
//for chance if the room should be a bossroom or just a room.
set w=0
//for chance where we should create the room
    exitwhen l>n
    set j=udg_bospla[l].j
    set i=udg_bospla[l].i
    set w=GetRandomInt(0,10)
    if w==0 then
        set udg_map[i+1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i+3)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    elseif w==1
        set udg_map[i-1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j-1]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i-3)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    elseif w==2
       set udg_map[i][j-1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-4]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-4]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j-3*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
       set udg_map[i][j+1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+4]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+4]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j+3*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    //clear the room, and store the location in a variable
    set n=GetRandomInt(0,124)
    if n=0 then
        set udg_bosplaloc[l]=Location((udg_bospla.i*144)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect)), (udg_bospla.j*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
        //store the location so we can spawn bosses there, if the chance rolls low enough.
    set l=l+1
    exitwhen i>mapw
    set j=0
        exitwhen j>maph
        //those two loops will go through every slot in the array
        if udg_map[i][j]==1 AND (udg_map[i-1][j]==0 OR udg_map[i+1][j]==0 OR udg_map[i][j-1]==0 OR udg_map[i][j+1]==0 udg_map[i-1][j-1]==0 OR udg_map[i+1][j+1]==0 OR udg_map[i+1][j-1]==0 udg_map[i-1][j+1]==0) then
        //if the selected slot holds an 1, and any of the adjacent slots holds an 0
            call CreateUnit(player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE), 'h000', (i*144)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect())), (j*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())), 0)
        //create a wall at the right location
    set i=i+1

function spawnboss takes integer boss1 integer boss2 integer boss3 integer boss4 returns nothing
//add more unitids if you like, the script chooses them randomly
local integer j=0
local integer w=0
    exitwhen j>udg_bosnum
    set w=GetRandomInt(0,3)
    //modify that 3 to the number of bosses you specified minus 1
    if w=0 then
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE, 'boss1', udg_bosplaloc[j], 0)
    elseif w=1 then
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE, 'boss2', udg_bosplaloc[j], 0)
    elseif w=2 then
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE, 'boss3', udg_bosplaloc[j], 0)
    elseif w=3 then
        call CreateUnitAtLoc(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE, 'boss4', udg_bosplaloc[j], 0)
    //add more elseifs and unit spawns if you addded more bossids to the function
    set j=j+1

(that version is intended for the hiveworkshop)
whenever i try and save it in jngp, it becomes unresponsive. could anybody help me locate the error? thanks in advance.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2007
structs could only be placed inside a library or scope right? Or am i being totally wrong here?

no, structs do not need to be defined inside a library or scope.

Edit: Also, you are only initializing the 8th element of your struct array (when it only has 7). You need to allocate an instance for each array element that you intend to use. For example (somewhere in your init code):

local integer i = 0
   exitwhen i >= 7   // using a constant to define array size would be better
   set bospla[i] = position.create()
   if ( bospla[i] == 0 ) then
      // allocation failure... decide what to do
   set i = i + 1
Last edited:
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
thanks for the help guys. it turned out to be a bug with JNGP. well, there were bugs too, but i fixed them.
but when the PJASS parser starts, it displays CRAPLOADS of errors, which wasnt there when the vJASS compiler looked. i partly suspect this is a bug in compilation.

//randomdungeons v1.0, by hijax.
//to use this, you need a wall building. its unitid must be h100
//usage: call walls(mapw, maph, wallz)
//wallz is the colsize of your wall unit
//mapw is the amount of walls that can fit horizontally on your map
//maph is the vertical version of mapw
//call spawnboss(boss1, boss2, boss3, boss4) to spawn bosses. read the comments on the
//function for instructions on how to expand it
//this is a work in progress.
//the supposed start location is stored in the global variable startloc.
struct position
integer i
integer j

    constant integer maxmapwh=150
    integer array map[maxmapwh][maxmapwh]
    location array bosplaloc[100]
    integer bosnum=0
    location startloc
    location array roomloc[500]

library paths
function walls takes integer mapw, integer maph, integer wallz returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    // aka x
    local integer n=0
    //the next direction
    local integer l=0
    //stores what direction we last moved in
    local integer j=0
    //aka y
    local integer w=0
    local integer z=0
    //used to determine if we're done 'dungeoning'
    local integer p=0
    local position array bospla
   exitwhen p >= 100
   set bospla = position.create()
   if ( bospla == 0 ) then
            call DisplayTextToForce(GetPlayersAll(), "An error occured while generating dungeon. please restart the game")
   set p = p + 1
   //first, we fill the array with 1's
        exitwhen i>mapw
        set j=0
            exitwhen j>maph
            set udg_map[i][j]=1
            set j=j+1
        set i=i+1
    //then, we clear a 'path' of 0's through it
    set i=GetRandomInt(0,83)
    //i denotes where we start
    set udg_startloc=Location((i*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())), 0)
    set udg_map[i][j] = 0
    set n=GetRandomInt(0, 2)
    //lets get moving. n now shows which direction to go in.
    // 0 is to the left of what we moved previously, 1 and 2 is straight forward, 3 is to the right
    //since we are in the top of the map, there is only three ways to go.
    if n==0 then
        set i=i-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=0
    elseif n==1 then
        set j=j+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=3
    elseif n==2 then
        set i=i+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=2
    exitwhen z>500
    set n=GetRandomInt(0,3)
    if ((l==0 and n==1) or (l==0 and n==2) or (l==1 and n==0) or (l==3 and n==3)) then
        //check if we should for some reason move left
        set i=i-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=0
    elseif (l==1 and n==1) or (l==1 and n==2) or (l==2 and n==0) or (l==0 and n==3) then
        //...or up
        set j=j-1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=1
    elseif (l==2 and n==1) or (l==2 and n==2) or (l==3 and n==0) or (l==1 and n==3) then
        //...or right
        set i=i+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=2
    elseif (l==3 and n==1) or (l==3 and n==2) or (l==0 and n==0) or (l==2 and n==3) then
        //or maybe down?
        set j=j+1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l=3
    set z=z+1
set i=0
set j=0
set l=0
set n=0
//resetting again. were going to use l for some chance. because now, were going to do BOSSES(well, their rooms)
//n is a counter
    exitwhen i>mapw
    set j=0
        exitwhen j>maph
        set l=GetRandomInt(0,50)
        if udg_map[i][j]==0 and l<1 then
            set bospla[n].i=i
            set bospla[n].j=j
            set n=n+1
        set j=j+1
    set i=i+1
set l=0
//l is a counter, to check if we've created enough rooms.
set j=0
set i=0
//as usual, these are the y and x of this script
set n=0
//for chance if the room should be a bossroom or just a room.
set w=0
//for chance where we should create the room
    exitwhen l>n
    set j=bospla[l].j
    set i=bospla[l].i
    set w=GetRandomInt(0,10)
    if w==0 then
        set udg_map[i+1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+2][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i+4][j]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i+3)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    elseif w==1 then
        set udg_map[i-1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-2][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-3][j-1]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j+1]=0
        set udg_map[i-4][j-1]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i-3)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    elseif w==2 then
       set udg_map[i][j-1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j-4]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j-4]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j-4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j-3*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
       set udg_map[i][j+1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j+4]=0
       set udg_map[i-1][j+4]=0
       set udg_map[i+1][j+4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(((i)*wallsize)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect())), (j+3*wallsize)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
    //clear the room, and store the location in a variable
    set n=GetRandomInt(0,124)
    if n==0 then
        set udg_bosplaloc[l]=Location((bospla[l].i*144)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect)), (bospla[l].j*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())))
        //store the location so we can spawn bosses there, if the chance rolls low enough.
    set l=l+1
    exitwhen i>mapw
    set j=0
        exitwhen j>maph
        //those two loops will go through every slot in the array
        if udg_map[i][j]==1 and (udg_map[i-1][j]==0 or udg_map[i+1][j]==0 or udg_map[i][j-1]==0 or udg_map[i][j+1]==0 or udg_map[i-1][j-1]==0 or udg_map[i+1][j+1]==0 or udg_map[i+1][j-1]==0 or udg_map[i-1][j+1]==0) then
        //if the selected slot holds an 1, and any of the adjacent slots holds an 0
            call CreateUnit(player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE), 'h000', (i*144)-(GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect())), (j*144)-(GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect())), 0)
        //create a wall at the right location
    set i=i+1

thats the only trigger in the whole map.

    // Generated
    trigger                 gg_trg_RDbase              = null
    constant integer maxmapwh=150
// processed:     integer array map[maxmapwh][maxmapwh]
// processed:     location array bosplaloc[100]
    integer bosnum=0
    location startloc
// processed:     location array roomloc[500]

//JASSHelper struct globals:
constant integer si__position=2
integer si__position_F=0
integer si__position_I=0
integer array si__position_V
integer array s__position_i
integer array s__position_j
integer array s__map
integer array s__2map
integer array s__3map
location array s__bosplaloc
location array s__roomloc


function sg__map_get takes integer i returns integer
    if(i<8191) then
        return s__map[i]
    elseif(i<16382) then
        return s__2map[i-8191]
        return s__3map[i-16382]

function sg__map_set takes integer i,integer v returns nothing
    if(i<8191) then
        set s__map[i]=v
    elseif(i<16382) then
        set s__2map[i-8191]=v
        set s__3map[i-16382]=v

//Generated allocator of position
function s__position__allocate takes nothing returns integer
 local integer this=si__position_F
    if (this!=0) then
        set si__position_F=si__position_V[this]
        set si__position_I=si__position_I+1
        set this=si__position_I
    if (this>8190) then
        return 0

    set si__position_V[this]=-1
 return this

//Generated destructor of position
function s__position_destroy takes integer this returns nothing
    if this==null then
    elseif (si__position_V[this]!=-1) then
    set si__position_V[this]=si__position_F
    set si__position_F=this

//library paths:
function walls takes integer mapw,integer maph,integer wallz returns nothing
    local integer i=0
    // aka x
    local integer n=0
    //the next direction
    local integer l=0
    //stores what direction we last moved in
    local integer j=0
    //aka y
    local integer w=0
    local integer z=0
    //used to determine if we're done 'dungeoning'
    local integer p=0
    local integer array bospla
   exitwhen p >= 100
   set bospla=s__position__allocate()
   if ( bospla == 0 ) then
            call DisplayTextToForce(GetPlayersAll() , "An error occured while generating dungeon. please restart the game")
   set p = p + 1
   //first, we fill the array with 1's
        exitwhen i > mapw
        set j = 0
            exitwhen j > maph
            set udg_map[i][j]=1
            set j = j + 1
        set i = i + 1
    //then, we clear a 'path' of 0's through it
    set i = GetRandomInt(0 , 83)
    //i denotes where we start
    set udg_startloc = Location(( i * 144 ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ) , 0)
    set udg_map[i][j]=0
    set n = GetRandomInt(0 , 2)
    //lets get moving. n now shows which direction to go in.
    // 0 is to the left of what we moved previously, 1 and 2 is straight forward, 3 is to the right
    //since we are in the top of the map, there is only three ways to go.
    if n == 0 then
        set i = i - 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 0
    elseif n == 1 then
        set j = j + 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 3
    elseif n == 2 then
        set i = i + 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 2
    exitwhen z > 500
    set n = GetRandomInt(0 , 3)
    if ( ( l == 0 and n == 1 ) or ( l == 0 and n == 2 ) or ( l == 1 and n == 0 ) or ( l == 3 and n == 3 ) ) then
        //check if we should for some reason move left
        set i = i - 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 0
    elseif ( l == 1 and n == 1 ) or ( l == 1 and n == 2 ) or ( l == 2 and n == 0 ) or ( l == 0 and n == 3 ) then
        //...or up
        set j = j - 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 1
    elseif ( l == 2 and n == 1 ) or ( l == 2 and n == 2 ) or ( l == 3 and n == 0 ) or ( l == 1 and n == 3 ) then
        //...or right
        set i = i + 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 2
    elseif ( l == 3 and n == 1 ) or ( l == 3 and n == 2 ) or ( l == 0 and n == 0 ) or ( l == 2 and n == 3 ) then
        //or maybe down?
        set j = j + 1
        set udg_map[i][j]=0
        set l = 3
    set z = z + 1
set i = 0
set j = 0
set l = 0
set n = 0
//resetting again. were going to use l for some chance. because now, were going to do BOSSES(well, their rooms)
//n is a counter
    exitwhen i > mapw
    set j = 0
        exitwhen j > maph
        set l = GetRandomInt(0 , 50)
        if udg_map[i][j] == 0 and l < 1 then
            set s__position_i[bospla[n]]=i
            set s__position_j[bospla[n]]=j
            set n = n + 1
        set j = j + 1
    set i = i + 1
set l = 0
//l is a counter, to check if we've created enough rooms.
set j = 0
set i = 0
//as usual, these are the y and x of this script
set n = 0
//for chance if the room should be a bossroom or just a room.
set w = 0
//for chance where we should create the room
    exitwhen l > n
    set j = s__position_j[bospla[l]]
    set i = s__position_i[bospla[l]]
    set w = GetRandomInt(0 , 10)
    if w == 0 then
        set udg_map[i + 1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i + 2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i + 2][j - 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 2][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 3][j - 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 3][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i + 4][j - 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 4][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i + 4][j]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(( ( i + 3 ) * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect()) ) , ( j * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ))
    elseif w == 1 then
        set udg_map[i - 1][j]=0
        set udg_map[i - 2][j]=0
        set udg_map[i - 2][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i - 2][j - 1]=0
        set udg_map[i - 3][j]=0
        set udg_map[i - 3][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i - 3][j - 1]=0
        set udg_map[i - 4][j]=0
        set udg_map[i - 4][j + 1]=0
        set udg_map[i - 4][j - 1]=0
        set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(( ( i - 3 ) * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect()) ) , ( j * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ))
    elseif w == 2 then
       set udg_map[i][j - 1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j - 2]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j - 2]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j - 2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j - 3]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j - 3]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j - 3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j - 4]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j - 4]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j - 4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(( ( i ) * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect()) ) , ( j - 3 * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ))
       set udg_map[i][j + 1]=0
       set udg_map[i][j + 2]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j + 2]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j + 2]=0
       set udg_map[i][j + 3]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j + 3]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j + 3]=0
       set udg_map[i][j + 4]=0
       set udg_map[i - 1][j + 4]=0
       set udg_map[i + 1][j + 4]=0
       set udg_roomloc[l]=Location(( ( i ) * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMaprect()) ) , ( j + 3 * wallsize ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ))
    //clear the room, and store the location in a variable
    set n = GetRandomInt(0 , 124)
    if n == 0 then
        set udg_bosplaloc[l]=Location(( s__position_i[bospla[l]] * 144 ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect) ) , ( s__position_j[bospla[l]] * 144 ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ))
        //store the location so we can spawn bosses there, if the chance rolls low enough.
    set l = l + 1
    exitwhen i > mapw
    set j = 0
        exitwhen j > maph
        //those two loops will go through every slot in the array
        if udg_map[i][j] == 1 and ( udg_map[i - 1][j] == 0 or udg_map[i + 1][j] == 0 or udg_map[i][j - 1] == 0 or udg_map[i][j + 1] == 0 or udg_map[i - 1][j - 1] == 0 or udg_map[i + 1][j + 1] == 0 or udg_map[i + 1][j - 1] == 0 or udg_map[i - 1][j + 1] == 0 ) then
        //if the selected slot holds an 1, and any of the adjacent slots holds an 0
            call CreateUnit(player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) , 'h000' , ( i * 144 ) - ( GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect()) ) , ( j * 144 ) - ( GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) ) , 0)
        //create a wall at the right location
    set i = i + 1

//library paths ends
// Just another Warcraft III map
//   Warcraft III map script
//   Generated by the Warcraft III World Editor
//   Date: Sun Jun 14 21:28:18 2009
//   Map Author: Unknown

//*  Global Variables

function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing

//*  Triggers

// Trigger: RDbase
//randomdungeons v1.0, by hijax.
//to use this, you need a wall building. its unitid must be h100
//usage: call walls(mapw, maph, wallz)
//wallz is the colsize of your wall unit
//mapw is the amount of walls that can fit horizontally on your map
//maph is the vertical version of mapw
//call spawnboss(boss1, boss2, boss3, boss4) to spawn bosses. read the comments on the
//function for instructions on how to expand it
//this is a work in progress.
//the supposed start location is stored in the global variable startloc.

function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing
    //Function not found: call InitTrig_RDbase()

//*  Players

function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing

    // Player 0
    call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(0) , 0)
    call SetPlayerColor(Player(0) , ConvertPlayerColor(0))
    call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(0) , RACE_PREF_HUMAN)
    call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(0) , true)
    call SetPlayerController(Player(0) , MAP_CONTROL_USER)


function InitCustomTeams takes nothing returns nothing
    // Force: TRIGSTR_002
    call SetPlayerTeam(Player(0) , 0)


//*  Main Initialization

function main takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetCameraBounds(- 3328.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT) , - 3584.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM) , 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT) , 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP) , - 3328.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT) , 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP) , 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT) , - 3584.0 + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM))
    call SetDayNightModels("Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl" , "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl")
    call NewSoundEnvironment("Default")
    call SetAmbientDaySound("LordaeronSummerDay")
    call SetAmbientNightSound("LordaeronSummerNight")
    call SetMapMusic("Music" , true , 0)
    call InitBlizzard()

call ExecuteFunc("jasshelper__initstructs13612070")

    call InitGlobals()
    call InitCustomTriggers()


//*  Map Configuration

function config takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetMapName("Just another Warcraft III map")
    call SetMapDescription("Nondescript")
    call SetPlayers(1)
    call SetTeams(1)

    call DefineStartLocation(0 , - 2880.0 , - 128.0)

    // Player setup
    call InitCustomPlayerSlots()
    call SetPlayerSlotAvailable(Player(0) , MAP_CONTROL_USER)
    call InitGenericPlayerSlots()

//Struct method generated initializers/callers:

//Functions for BigArrays:

function jasshelper__initstructs13612070 takes nothing returns nothing


thats what it displays when pJASS comes up with all its errors. i guess that means thats the compiled version.

could anybody tell me WTH is wrong here?
Level 4
Nov 23, 2007
thanks for the help guys. it turned out to be a bug with JNGP. well, there were bugs too, but i fixed them.
What bugs with JNGP and how did you fix them? Please specify.

Or are you referring to jasshelper becoming unresponsive when it encountered the bugs in your code (which you appear to have fixed)?

but when the PJASS parser starts, it displays CRAPLOADS of errors, which wasnt there when the vJASS compiler looked.
vjass takes your vjass code and creates a jass compatible source file. So its primary function is to check for vjass related errors. pjass checks the actual jass code (non-vjass) and reports jass errors. This is why some things will get past the vjass compiler and then caught by pjass.

i partly suspect this is a bug in compilation.
I assume you mean a bug in your code when pjass examines it (as opposed to a bug in the compiler itself).

thats what it displays when pJASS comes up with all its errors. i guess that means thats the compiled version.

could anybody tell me WTH is wrong here?
It might help to know the first few errors that pjass is reporting. Subsequent errors can often be a result of the original error (i.e. it propagates).

Edit: Your error appears to be that you are using udg_map but haven't defined it.

I assume you were meaning to use this var:
integer array map[maxmapwh][maxmapwh]

Yet you reference udg_map[j] instead.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
i have defined map under my globals, which means i should refernce it as udg_map.
[maxmapwh][maxmapwh] are the SIZE of the array. [j] are the index.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
No, you are wrong
Globals are 'called' (JASS) as you declare them, with the name you put there.
In GUI you can also make Globals. You give it a name, but that is not the real name. GUI puts the global prefix in front of it 'udg_' , this is a GUI thing, and is not applied in normal JASS. Only if you use a 'GUI' global (one declared in 'trigger Editor's CTRL+B' place) you put the 'udg_' prefix in front of it. For example when killing leaks with GUI globals. But YOU instead should not use the 'udg_' prefix since you made a global yourself, instead of making the trigger editor do it for you.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2007
i have defined map under my globals, which means i should refernce it as udg_map.
[maxmapwh][maxmapwh] are the SIZE of the array. [j] are the index.

Aside from what Yixx correctly points out, I realize of course that [maxmapwh][maxmapwh] define the size of the 2d array, and that i & j are indexes into an array - but you are not indexing the array you defined using map[maxmapwh][maxmapwh]. I was simply using examples directly from your code to point out where your errors are. The bottom line is, you need to use the "map" array var and not "udg_map".
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
well, thanks. i have some more errors, but that was one of them. i dont have my code here, so i cant check what else is there.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
i have no sorts of idea. i just... kinda put them there, lol.
edit: yes, it worked! Thank you guys, about 95% of my errors were misplaced udg_'s. +rep to you.
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