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Help with Map's Exp. points

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Level 4
May 2, 2008
I'm doing an AOS map but I have a problem with the experience.
1) You can get exp anywhere you are in the map, why is this?
2) I did all units with same level but one team gets more experience than other, why?
3) How do I do that the towers atack first creeps and then heros? My tower attacks first heros and then creeps
Level 5
May 21, 2006
1) Check EXP Gain Range in Gameplay Constants
2) If one team gets more experience that would probably be because that team kills more units
3) I would assume that has to do with Priority, you should be able to change this in the Object Editor
Level 4
May 2, 2008
1) Check EXP Gain Range in Gameplay Constants
2) If one team gets more experience that would probably be because that team kills more units
3) I would assume that has to do with Priority, you should be able to change this in the Object Editor

Thats the wrong thing, i looked exp gain range in other aos maps and put the same in mine, but it didnt work
Its impossible they kill more units because they appear the same number of units
And the priority, when it's higher it means that tower will attack it first isnt it?
Thanks for help :wink:
Level 4
Jan 27, 2009
1)An simple way of not letting exp everywhere.
Make more high mountains with the boundary it should help. i tested before, it worked very well.
2)The reson why it is because if you are nearer you get more exp or Ai gain more exp (after you followed (1) step)
While for the third it is hard because if you go Ai editor and clicked not to target heros, the tower will not target heros at all!!!!
Level 4
May 2, 2008
im spanish, so i dont know english very good.
Well, you said that to solve the 3 point i needed to do an AI, well i think you can understand it
But i dont know how to change AI to make the towers to attack units first.
I know the AI editor, so if you are telling me to create an AI that has the thing of attacking units first how do i do to make it work?
Have you understood that now?:confused:
Level 2
Aug 11, 2008
just go into the AI editor for the map and just uncheck target heroes, that should make it target heroes after everything else is dead
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