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help with a Summoning based trigger

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Level 2
Jun 22, 2010
Okay, so this is actually an interesting difficulty that i'm having trouble with.

I got a summoning based trigger in my map. Basically the Goal of the trigger is to have the unit produce another unit, at the cost of the other unit (Gold/Lumber) and then kill the summoning unit. So basically its Once X unit has finished casting Y spell, it basically summons the requested units, and then charges the Gold/Lumber amount for those units, and kills X.

I got the basic summoning part done. I also have the part where it kills off X done. I just haven't figured out yet (And this is where i am requesting help), is there a way to make the trigger remove resources from the player?

[Edit]: Additionally, when i added a second similar trigger to the same unit, it always uses one of the triggers. (Basically it has 2+ options of what it can become)(But it always chooses one no matter which ability i have it use...) Any Suggestions on this issue?

I haven't been able to figure it out yet... If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.


PS: If you need more information, please feel free to let me know.
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Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Posting the triggers involved can help.

You can charge the resource cost using:
[trigger=]Player - Add -100 to (Triggering player) Current gold[/trigger]

I second that ^

Regarding your second question, make sure that your spells have different ID, otherwise they get mixed up.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2010
My apologies, but thank you, that solved the basic problem at hand. The only thing is, it made a different problem out of it. Is there a way to force to game to double check that the player has enough resources, because in my tests, i was able to do it even when i didn't have enough resources, all it did was make me at 0, and allowed me to keep doing it.

[Edit: I think i figured it out, i'll give the new trigger a test, and see if what i'm thinking works]
[Edit: Yep, i was able to figure the rest out using an Integer Comparison Condition]

Again Thank you for your guys help, it was much appreciated.
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