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help wanted...

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Level 4
Jun 21, 2004
alright I'm trying to open up a skin with Ultimate Paint (Sopho directed my attention to that site), it's a freeware program that I thought was for skinning. In any case, I'm trying to open a skin in BLP format and it comes up with an error saying it cannot be opened (it doesn't give a reason). Is it because it's in BLP? Any help would be very appreciated.
Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
well .blp isn't a image format every image editing program knows. It is produced specially for wc3 games and only plugins can help the program support .blp. So basically ultimate paint can't read .blp files.

Just convert it to a image format ultimate paint supports, with WC3 Viewer (download it in tools section) .jpg definitely is supported as it is the most popular and worldwide used image format.

Then, you should be able to work on it :D
Level 1
Aug 17, 2004
how to import a skin to a unit?
i can models,spells and other things but skins???

plz help me!! :(
Level 1
Aug 4, 2004
Well Sopho I still dont understand what u mean by they already go to there models. So were do ui extract it to. Im downloading the new undead skin pack with all the heros as undead. Plz help me :?
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