Help Please (TCO)

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hello everyone,
I recently downloaded the campaign The Chosen Ones...
I played it and everything looked fine, But when I opened it in the WE and tried to check the custom spells the maps did not open. And i thought the map must be locked. Then I made a mistake and clicked on the save button. and I thought that I made no changes... SO what's the problem? :]

But when I played the campaign again, the campaign screen was black and the maps loaded to only half of the way and then crashed saying


Could not read Data "0x00000"
etc, etc.

I don't know what to do... It happens everytime I try to play it.And my Internet connection is so slow that I cannot even think of downloading it again.

Please someone help me. Anyone who helps will get +rep

I think the simplest way to help is give me some screenshots of the campaign after opening it in the WE cause I think I messed up with the settings.
Level 4
Apr 14, 2014
Could you screenshot the entire error message or somehow give us more information about the error? So far all I can find is that this may be related to memory or patching. I don't see evidence for either issue.
Level 4
Apr 14, 2014
You may want to try the following:

1) Change compatibility

If you're running in Win 7, change your compatibility to Win 2000 or something else other than your current setting.
If you're using Linux, try configuring your WINE settings.
If you're using Mac, then this should be expected. ;)

2) Try this.
Hey wanna know the ultimate solution if u encounter this fatal error This application has encountered a critical error:


Program: c:\program files\warcraf iii\war3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:6F08FDF8

The instruction at '0x6F08FDF8'referenced memory at '0x6E6A755'.
The memory could not be 'read'

Press OK to terminate the application

hehehe the answer is simple your windows might updated and its meddling in ur w3.exe in some reason heres the solution go to my computer right click it properties go ti advanced click the settings in performance and then click the data execution prevention (DEP) turn on DEP for all programs except those i select then add warcraft3 frozen throne exe. apply ok. thats it hehehe ok....

3) Append your shortcut with -opengl

These are just some suggestions. I can only tell if this is map-related, if I can read the error. Concerning the map, if you were able to upload it, I can tell you if it works on my machine or not.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I will try those 3 methods right now.

opening it in the WE cause I think I messed up with the settings.

Care to clarify?

Actually, I myself don't know what I did but it would be a great help If u tell me what the campaign background screen is set to, Because I think I changed that by mistake.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
The Chosen Ones is protected.
I havent found a .wtg so it is probably protected with the unknown file bug.
In that case... noone is able to edit that and the owner(s) have a copy that is unprotected.

If you try to open it, it will crash the editor.

If you have bugged the map by saving it... the best thing to do is download it again.
It is also faster than explaining to other people what the problem is, letting them try to find a proper solution, let them try to explain the solution to you, apply the solution to your situation.

At this moment... you are in still trying to explain what the problem is so just download it again and ask for the spells rather than trying to get into a protected map.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

You are right But my problem is solved, I had a copy of the campaign somewhere in my Drive. I searched for it for 1/2 an hour and finally Got it. Is there any way to delete this thread Now?
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