ive never really played wc3 for its actual game, mainly for creating and playing custom maps
also looking into creating models, just have to teach myself how
looking to eventualy get a job as a graphics designer, in the process of learning atm
my main project right now is the forsaken gladiator map,
my RPG map ive been exparimenting with in the back is Call to Arms
I was finaly able to quit WoW, and look where i ended up
the only other things i can think of about myself is that im a caffeine adict, a smoker trying to quit, and soon-to-be father in february
would also like to add a thanks to this site, it gives me a wide variety of objects to download for my maps on a site i can trust. i usually never trust anything with a download
also looking into creating models, just have to teach myself how
looking to eventualy get a job as a graphics designer, in the process of learning atm
my main project right now is the forsaken gladiator map,
my RPG map ive been exparimenting with in the back is Call to Arms
I was finaly able to quit WoW, and look where i ended up
the only other things i can think of about myself is that im a caffeine adict, a smoker trying to quit, and soon-to-be father in february
would also like to add a thanks to this site, it gives me a wide variety of objects to download for my maps on a site i can trust. i usually never trust anything with a download