Hello Fellow Forum Members...

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Level 2
Sep 2, 2008
Hello, I am a newly registered member on this warcraft 3 modding site. I purchased Warcraft III several years ago, and was hooked ever since. I purchased the expansion soon after it came out and started using the World Editor frequently. I had several project ideas, all of which eventually bit the dust, but taught me the ropes of making a good map. I consider myself a near expert at map making in all elements except JAZZ, and a developing terrainer. I also have skills in 3d modeling, although I am still figuring out how to translate these skills into warcraft III.

Some of my interests include gaming, anime, drawing and computer artwork.

This is some information on my boring life so you can know who this new member is. Now that you know, I hope you enjoy my company and I hope I enjoy yours, as I have viewed this forum and found that I will probably enjoy it's content.

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