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HalfTiger man

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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the half-tiger man

Hope u'll enjoy !
Plz give credits if use...
100% freehand, I have witnesses
(that's right ! the witness)
Please give comments :p...

tiger, halftiger, shaman

HalfTiger man (Texture)

THE_END: Massive dodge and burn it seems. Not proper shading




THE_END: Massive dodge and burn it seems. Not proper shading
Level 2
Dec 12, 2004
Nice, but you should alpha out edges on parts like the bottom of the robe to be ripped and tattered. Then it would truly look 'tiger'ish. (It needs it on it's back too)
cant say im too happy about this one pins, blurry yes, and id be damned if you didnt use the burn tool here, its totally obvious since if you burn a yellowish color it makes a red border. peobably the only good part of it is arounf the nose and facial area. oh yes, and there isnt very much proper shading within the fur to show where the light is being cast. it alos seems that its one skin after anohter and 2 in one day, thats not a good thing, it shows me that youre not spending a significant amount of time on your skins to fix it and polish it.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
Pretty damned sloppy pins...
You nee dot actually create "hair" for this one, and then have your different colors of hair. SHould be painted on, not burned. Painted, or some kind of colring technique, but not burned.
Level 21
Jul 3, 2004
By the hell, I DONT USE THAT DAMNED BURNED TOOL it isnt too complex to understand ?

it alos seems that its one skin after anohter and 2 in one day, thats not a good thing, it shows me that youre not spending a significant amount of time on your skins to fix it and polish it.

Dont u think I'm doing my skins long time ago before submit them ?
This one is beginned since one and a half week, so plz don't critic the time I spend.