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Level 2
Jun 22, 2008
Hai my namez Derin. i liv in a iland. i good at spelling and gram-crackers. :cute:

LoL. Ya, I'm Derrin. I play on Warcraft and Counter-Strike a bit, and I like to travel through forums. I roleplay frequently, and enjoy all that shiz, as well as strategy/team-based games. I got invited here by a relative, and now I'm just settling into this forum. Nice site, by the way. :thumbs_up:

If ya wanna meet up on WC3, my account name is Derrin, and my Xbox Live is Ghostly Bagel. I have an oddly-scheduled job, so my game time always varies, and I'll be quit busy this summer as well. I am welcome to playing whenever I am online, though.
Level 9
May 5, 2007
Welcome to thehiveworkshop Derrin!



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Thank you for joining us =) and thank that relative of yours for telling you about us =P

For what you said, I believe you should check our Gamer's Hub category, it has places for RPing and discussion about other games.

By the way, you forgot to mention what server you play in.

And as I usually say to everybody: don't forget to take a brief view at the Rules. They are basic, just don't flame, don't double-post and follow ethical logic and you're fine ;p
Level 2
Jun 22, 2008
Merci for the welcomes. I'm looking forward to some cool stuff. I've played on literally every server, but right now I've been on U.S. East since I've been on an island that runs their internet underneath the Ocean or wirelessly... you sometimes need closer people to play... I also played on Northrend a while back. Names on all servers have been: Derrin, Derman, GhostlyBagel, and HarryBagel. I've been around since SC first appeared on the shelves of stores, so you may have seen me before. I am checking out that Gamer's hub of yers right now. Pretty cool stuff. ALSO... I've been stuck in Clan CORP trying to find talented RPers. If anyone has a group of friends or RPers that do private RPs or something, please let me know.
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