I have a script here:
This script runs every 0.02 seconds, grabs all heroes in the map, moves a temporary rect, checks if there are any items in the rect, and gives those items to the hero.
It runs fine on player-controlled units, however it does not work on computer-controlled units. I used BJDebugMsg() to print out the names those affected by the function and it includes the units. It just doesnt do its job. Any help?
scope Refresh initializer Init
private unit HeroPickup
group Targets
function Filter_Hero takes nothing returns boolean
return IsUnitType( GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO )
function Filter_Item takes nothing returns boolean
return GetWidgetLife( GetFilterItem() ) > 0
private function Hero_Pickup takes nothing returns nothing
call UnitAddItem( HeroPickup, GetEnumItem() )
private function Auto_Pickup takes nothing returns nothing
set HeroPickup = GetEnumUnit()
call MoveRectTo( gg_rct_Pickup_Range, GetUnitX(GetEnumUnit()), GetUnitY(GetEnumUnit()) )
call EnumItemsInRect( gg_rct_Pickup_Range, Condition( function Filter_Item), function Hero_Pickup )
set HeroPickup = null
private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
call GroupClear( Targets )
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect( Targets, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, Condition( function Filter_Hero ) )
call ForGroup( Targets, function Auto_Pickup )
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local timer T = NewTimer()
local timer T_Slow = NewTimer()
call TimerStart( T, 0.02, true, function TimerLoop )
set T = null
This script runs every 0.02 seconds, grabs all heroes in the map, moves a temporary rect, checks if there are any items in the rect, and gives those items to the hero.
It runs fine on player-controlled units, however it does not work on computer-controlled units. I used BJDebugMsg() to print out the names those affected by the function and it includes the units. It just doesnt do its job. Any help?