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Greenday Fans Or Not

Green day Fan?

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Level 3
Nov 21, 2004
Every time I hear one of their awful songs on the radio I consider stabbing myself in the ears, thus deafing myself from their pop garbage. Then of course I come to the logical conclusion and just turn off the radio. I prefer earlier rock, The Who, The Band, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, etc. If you can find me a modern band that is as talented as The Band I'll be amazed, everyone but the guitar player could play at least 3 instraments with one guy being able to play six, on top of this they all could sing quite well.

Greenday falls in the category of garbage, which consists of all new music. Generally every song involves smashing the crash symbol and then hitting the snare drum on the fourth beat. The guitar is a mindlessly repitive and the singing isn't in my personal taste either.
Level 2
Sep 16, 2005
I actually like some Greenday songs. They may not be on the level of the earlier rock now known as "classic rock", not even near, but that does not make them bad.

I also don't think that a band's talent is in how many instruments they can play, I believe it rests more in how well they can play said instruments, work together to play them, how creative their songs are, etc. etc.

For example, Jimi Hendrix is not remembered for how many instruments he could play, but how well he could play one, the guitar.
Level 3
Nov 21, 2004
Pins said:
I never listened to them, cause I never listen to radio.
But apparently... seems to be somehow... unpopular here ?^^
Wherever you live I want to live there!
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I never listened to them, cause I never listen to radio.
But apparently... seems to be somehow... unpopular here ?^^

Thats because France (government, at least) hates everything with "American" and "Pop culture" in the same sentance. I've read about some of their domestic policies about staving of the "foreign culture invasion" right down to limiting the number of American movies and music that crosses the French borders in accordance so it doesnt outnumber the domestic ones released...it's quit harsh I must say.... :shock:
Level 7
Nov 26, 2004
well, as I like every single damn style of music (yes, Pins, even Aphax whatever :p )I hate myself

but really, as I like everything from rap to Super black satanworshipper death metal, my music taste is godlike

I just cannot hate any band, that's also the reason why I am so bg U.V fan :mrgreen:

and so, atlast, we come to the main point, I like green day. amen
Level 9
May 7, 2005
oh no Teppana! :shock:


thats the thing i like about the France, perhaps, they are the last country who is not completely infested by the american poison

i cant say nothing since, Mexico is infested to the very core...we breath america, we drink america (coke), we eat america (mcdonald's), we see america (hollywood movies), we hear america (c'mon half of your favorite bands are american!), we fear america (bush)... the dreams of 90% of our poor population is to migrate to USA and make a new, and better life

anyways, forget it, i dont want to begin such a polemical discussion like this, i just want to praise the France for their protecionism.
Level 22
May 11, 2004

And is that all being forced down your throat? No. Is all that sponsored by the state? No. So that means if you don't like American Coke, McDonalds, Movies, ect, then don't buy it. Interesting concept, no?

Oh, and I live in southern Arizana, and you can't tell the difference betweeen here and Mexico now, so don't think its not reciprocal, bud.

the dreams of 90% of our poor population is to migrate to USA and make a new, and better life

EXACTLY. Don't you think it's a little messed up when thousands of Mexican citizens a day flee that country into Arizona alone? Even though Mexico has every oppurtunity to economiocally prosper if it can just change it government to something a little more capitalism-friendly? It's because of that that its almost required that you know spanish to live in this town (Tucson). Certainly doesnt seem like American cultural invasion HERE, thats for sure...yet, when anyone dares enacting any sort of "protectionism", as you say, on our end, (like in actually protecting our border) and we are immediatly branded as racists. Screw that.

And what in the world does Mexico have to fear from Bush? He has bent over for Fox's demands time and time again, including opening our borders WIDE OPEN for both legal and illegal immagration. I'm supried he's not being hailed in the streets.
Level 9
May 7, 2005
bull's eye! right in the spot VG. i dare to say half of us are docile accepting this situation (including me which is an absurd). but the other half may do this by something called convenience. Just for example, nearly every corner in the street has a McDonalds. you are a guy who got his 1 hour of lunch time and is very hungry btw, you cross the street and see a big mcDonalds, with a tasty Bigmac in a big screen right on the street. Marketing. you still dont want to eat the freaking Mc, but when you go to other street you see other Mcdonalds, with other big advertisement of other delicious fast-food products. Fast-food? ideal for someone who got 1 hour to lunch. you surrender yourself and "eat the america" once again.

ok, have you ever gone to El Paso and then crossed to Juarez? i have made the contrary and you will see the difference. better, take a ride on your car, and go very south of Arizona and cross the border to Nogalles! the difference in the public services is astonishing!

i know my goverment sux and dont you think i have shame for that?

Bush will never be hailed in the streets, such is the price of power, you didnt think you would become the most powerful nation in the world without complaining?
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Yes, I've been to Juarez, Nogales and I've spend considerable time at Rocky Point. Northern Mexico is not a pretty place, that's one reason I am thankful to have born and raised in the US, and I show my appreciation to my country in accordance.

However, I find it sillt that you would say something like this:
thats the thing i like about the France, perhaps, they are the last country who is not completely infested by the american poison

America is selling- foreign countries are buying. No one is putting a gun to anyone's head and saying "buy our stuff or else." If Mexico/France/Whoever doesnt want American goods, then all they have to do is stop buying them, and the foreign branches of those companies will die off and leave. It really is that simple. (its called a "boycott"). Infested poison? That more at the fault of the consumer, not the seller, in my opinion.

And our president has dropped nearly every major protectionist trade restriction with Mexico, especially in the field of fruits and agriculture, even at the dire expense of our own fragile state agricultural economy (especially California), just to help boost Mexico's GDP...again, I'm very suprised he is not regarded more highly over there, since he has done so much to help your economy.
Level 9
May 7, 2005
"poison" maybe was too harsh, it was just a way of saying, idiomatic expression? dang, english is hard when you want to explain something...

youre completely right, the fact is since you got yourselves independent (even before), your economy grew. the USA as always showed an affinity with economy and marketing. you got yourselves good when the unique countries who had an economy to oppose yours (europe) were razed in the 2º war. your economical "accords" (damn use your espanish acordos comerciales) were slowing "enslaving the foreing economy. forever bound to yours. thats why the reference to money is the dollar. most countries are dependet from your economy blahblahblah....

you are right, i just wanted to praise France for their protecionism, which i still think its a good idea, the rest was just me, pumpering my frustrations upon you. youre an american citizen, that doesnt mean you can respond, or atone for anything your goverment do. just got pissed when you say youre helping our economy. perhaps from your point of view. but are you sure that is the Mexico who earns with the NAFTA?
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Well, NAFTA essentially dropped tarrifs down to next to nothing bewteen the US, Mexico and Canada. Has that hurt Mexico some? Probably. Has the US lost the most jobs over it within the 3 countires? Most definatly. It was, at least as it seems to me, mostly an environmental and investment deal, giving more strict legal measures to inspect beef/cows/medicine/produce shipped across the border that wasn't really there prior. And dumb little things like ban the use of frion in transport trucks. It didn't yeild the expected results that our congress was told that it was...

Overall, yeah, its a failed program for both sides.

Okay, we've seriously gone off topic here.... :shock:
Level 9
May 7, 2005

i think VG should open a discussion thread, theres much to learn with him and vice-versa
Level 22
Jul 3, 2004
and thats there why i dont like the french. its like they feel their society is so much superior to the americans that they cant be "tainted" by influence of ours. but in a way pop-culture is complete bull**** so i cant blame 'em too much actually.

Keep cool with France, dont generalize, i'm persuaded than American culture is a very complete culture and interesting. Really, the 'normally intellectualized people" of France i'm representing (who said "lol" ?) are blaming the " primar antiamericanism". Some people dont see your contry as an ensemble of people, but they see just a mentality of a FEW stupid people. Same for you, all Frenchies are not with a bread in the hand, wine in the other, ridiculous hat and yelling "Les américains c'est tous des pédés !! éàèôôöï !!" (basicly means "Americans are gays !!").
Dont generalize us, I dont forget than almost all the music bands I love come from US, your country also represents the land of musical freedom.
Some aspects of your culture are somehow bads, reckon it :wink:

Thats because France (government, at least) hates everything with "American" and "Pop culture" in the same sentance. I've read about some of their domestic policies about staving of the "foreign culture invasion" right down to limiting the number of American movies and music that crosses the French borders in accordance so it doesnt outnumber the domestic ones released...it's quit harsh I must say.... icon_eek.gif

It's more than harsh, it is destroying all culture exchanges. We have rotten from the heart governement and institutions, we arent like the picture our governement is attempting to show...

And, by the way, when I was saying "here", I meant this topic, not France...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Level 7
Sep 18, 2005
VGsatomi said:
VGsatomi, America lost the hippie gig in the late 80's...

You'be obviously never been to any university campuses. You obviously don't partake in any political debates in public areas or follow whats going on in the political world...the hippie movement is as strong as its ever been....regretably :evil:

Ummm Hmmm.... im going to remind you im 11... and I don't go to college... :lol:
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
VGsatomi said:
They were only outright calling for the deaths of me and my buddies-in-arms when I was overseas...yeah, I have a little problem with them.

Um how were they calling for your death amd your "Buddies-in-arms"? Just curious?
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Goddamn! I don't want the site to spread ANY political messages, is that so hard to understand?

Do Not Discuss Political or Religious topics in the Off-Topic Forum

Generally these topics lead to flaming and useless arguments. You are not allowed to post anything related to religion or politics.
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