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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.


Many brave hearts entered these graveyards to loot the tombs. The haunted whispers of the damned were the last thing they heard. Make sure you do not fall as they did.

Graverobbers is a 84x86 4 player map suited for 2v2 or FFA gamemodes.

  • 8 Gold Mines (1 expansion for each player)
  • 2 Goblin Merchants
  • 2 Taverns
  • 8 Green Camps
  • 7 Orange Camps



Author's Notes

As this is the first map I ever made, I don't expect it to be very competitively balanced. I am happy with it either way tho. I wanted to make a map where the main idea was undead, so I decided to make a sort of Northrend Graveyard sort of map.

The biggest obstacle I met was the map size. As I mentioned above I had no experience making melee maps so I wasn't exactly sure how big it should have been, so I went with 96x96. Only when I made the first two bases did I realize how small it was. I realized that it might not be big enough to make a 4p battleground but I managed to squeeze somethings (notably Tavern) to make it work, so it ended up as a very small map with few neutral buildings and creep camps.

As I have a very small competitive background, I expect you guys to give me some advice, notably:
  • Is the amount of gold in the gold mines enough?
  • Are the item drops balanced/fun?
  • Are the bases too small?
  • Is it aesthetically pleasing?

Any feedback, regardless of whether they answer these questions or not, is appreciated. I might still be able to change somethings to make the map better.

Might add more screenshots later on, just don't have enough time rite now.

Thank you all for checking my map out, have fun!

Graverobbers (Map)

Hi, it's quite alright for your first map. 96x96 is basically a 1v1 size. The bases are too close to each other imo. The layout is quite basic but due to the size of the map I guess there wasn't much space to work with. One of the main problems is...
Level 22
Sep 24, 2017
Hi, it's quite alright for your first map. 96x96 is basically a 1v1 size. The bases are too close to each other imo. The layout is quite basic but due to the size of the map I guess there wasn't much space to work with. One of the main problems is that the bottom-left and top-right bases have trees closer than the other two. However the bottom-left/top-right bases have this huge gap that leaves the goldmine open (=harder to wall and protect peasants).
The other problem would be the drops. Rather than to use item level drops, you chose to select some from ilvl 4 and ilvl5. Also, making items drop from ghosts isn't a good idea as the item is destroyed if they use possession. What more, there aren't any tomes that would drop from the creeps, it's mostly just permanent items.
To answer your questions, the gold in goldmines should be alright. And the atmosphere of a graveyard is pretty good, it isn't a common tileset/theme in melee due to undead creeps being hard to pull off right.
It's a fine map with mistakes that everyone did when they started with melee. I'd suggest looking at some blizz maps or some hive maps for inspiration. There are also some good guides for item drops etc on hive. Good luck with mapping and stuff.

Here's some things to consider:
- The cliffs in the middle are buggy, fix the pathing in the corners. (press P to show pathing)
- There's some free space between the trees. (press P to show pathing)
- Creeps at the merchant might aggro easily
- The wendigo creeps at the base don't drop any items

And here's some tips that might help you with terraining/doodads:
- PgUp/PgDn moves doodads on the Z-axis up or down
- Holding Shift while placing doodads basically ignores pathing
- Using the modeling terrain brushes might make your map livelier and less geometric.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
Hi, it's quite alright for your first map. 96x96 is basically a 1v1 size. The bases are too close to each other imo. The layout is quite basic but due to the size of the map I guess there wasn't much space to work with. One of the main problems is that the bottom-left and top-right bases have trees closer than the other two. However the bottom-left/top-right bases have this huge gap that leaves the goldmine open (=harder to wall and protect peasants).
The other problem would be the drops. Rather than to use item level drops, you chose to select some from ilvl 4 and ilvl5. Also, making items drop from ghosts isn't a good idea as the item is destroyed if they use possession. What more, there aren't any tomes that would drop from the creeps, it's mostly just permanent items.
To answer your questions, the gold in goldmines should be alright. And the atmosphere of a graveyard is pretty good, it isn't a common tileset/theme in melee due to undead creeps being hard to pull off right.
It's a fine map with mistakes that everyone did when they started with melee. I'd suggest looking at some blizz maps or some hive maps for inspiration. There are also some good guides for item drops etc on hive. Good luck with mapping and stuff.

Here's some things to consider:
- The cliffs in the middle are buggy, fix the pathing in the corners. (press P to show pathing)
- There's some free space between the trees. (press P to show pathing)
- Creeps at the merchant might aggro easily
- The wendigo creeps at the base don't drop any items

And here's some tips that might help you with terraining/doodads:
- PgUp/PgDn moves doodads on the Z-axis up or down
- Holding Shift while placing doodads basically ignores pathing
- Using the modeling terrain brushes might make your map livelier and less geometric.

Hi. Thank you for the review. I will see what I can do about the problems tomorrow. And I might as well remove the screenshot, I can't get it to work.