Good artist needed.

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Level 4
Dec 30, 2008
I do not know if im supposed to do this here or if im not just tell me and i will remove the post...anyhow..

Im currently working on a common map with another person a very common map called footies...WE NEED A NEW LOADING SCREEN! If you can draw and would like to help us out credit will me give and signatures may be put on the drawing as you wish...if you want more details respond and ill give you contact info =D thankss and byee
I do not know if im supposed to do this here or if im not just tell me and i will remove the post...anyhow..

Im currently working on a common map with another person a very common map called footies...WE NEED A NEW LOADING SCREEN! If you can draw and would like to help us out credit will me give and signatures may be put on the drawing as you wish...if you want more details respond and ill give you contact info =D thankss and byee

I would like to know more. I may be interested in doing this.
oh ok thank you for moving this post..i wont do again =D...any way to bump my thread?

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