
Non techy Goblin for those who are fans of non techy goblins like myself...
Updated, again, added a makeshift neck. Unfortunately the neck is darker colored hopefully that won´t trouble anyone.
Update: By popular demand, i´ve added ears.

Shield fixed thanks to HappyCockroach :)

GoblinWarrior, Em!, Goblins, Goblin, Horde

GoblinWarrior (Model)

21:18, 20th Jun 2009 Pyritie: Make the materials two-sided. He's also missing a neck and the mesh near where his neck should be is pretty messy. His shield needs a back as well. Also, the spike on his helmet's kinda strange. It looks like it was just...




21:18, 20th Jun 2009
Pyritie: Make the materials two-sided. He's also missing a neck and the mesh near where his neck should be is pretty messy. His shield needs a back as well. Also, the spike on his helmet's kinda strange. It looks like it was just stuck on there and not a part of the helmet.

2nd Jul 2009
Pyritie: Neck's still kinda messy but it's approvable.



Model Reviewer
Level 30
Jan 9, 2004
So strange =s

His head is too small. And his shield his strange =s Skeletton for a Goblin ? It could be better with a gear wheel on the shield.
And adds a belt with bombs plz ?

2/5 (without any interest)

Techy goblins suck, this goblin is not meant as one of those lame warcraft tech goblins.

Wow! Nice skin! 5/5
Could be a goblin brute.
The shield does look strange, you should use something more... goblinish.

Based on this http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com/kauppa/images/gw_wh_og_goblins.jpg



Model Reviewer
Level 30
Jan 9, 2004
Go reads the Goblin's history =)

Goblins are engineers. They fight with machines etc...
But Goblins don't have shields with skeletton face on them.

Dude u still don´t get it this goblin is not based on the lore comprende?
This is more like a warhammer based goblin, were goblins don´t know how to make bombs, its the way goblins should be....
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well, they didnt have technology when they were enslaved by trolls.
And they do have bruisers who are just guards with no technology, and only brute force.

And this goblin could be a great model for campaign about how golbins defeated trolls thousands of years ago. Or some goblin team lost in northrend, fighting against undead.
Go reads the Goblin's history =)

Goblins are engineers. They fight with machines etc...
But Goblins don't have shields with skeletton face on them.

You really are not too big in the cognitive facalties, are you? Did it ever occur to you that there are different types of goblin interpretations, not just the crappy Blizzard one? Did it ever occur to you people might want to employ a different prespective of the Goblins, such as seen in HoMM or, as Em! even says was his inspiration, Warhammer?? Think, man, think. There's different ideas of how Goblins are, not just the crappy techno ones.

You know, you gave it a 2/5 just because it can be used for something other than the original Warcraft idea. They only made them techno so that they would compliment the Gnomes and the Dwarves in Warcraft 2, not because it was a good idea. So pack your Warcraft Style Goblins obsession and throw it away, because it's not the only way to have goblins. It's not even the original way. It's a completely unique way, and for the reason it sucks.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
I love the goblins! But I love them for their cool technology. I'm sorry but this one isn't my style. 2.5/5 because of the overall wierdness of the shape of the model.
Level 4
May 20, 2009
SWEETLY EMPRESSIVE ya make his head bigger and maybe some ears that stick out in a pointy like...but othe than that 10000000000000/10 keep making goblin units :D
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Yeah people.
You need to give an objective raiting, based on such things as filesize, look and custom textures. You can tell that its not your style, but dont spoil someones good work by giving a rating based on your style!
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
No, no, no. I didn't give it a bad rating because it wasn't my style! Pff... I'm not that naive. No, its head was too small and it had no neck. It just looked strange thats all. I'm sorry if that is what it seems like I was saying. No anyways the model looks better now and it does work well ingame. I give it a 4/5.
Last edited:
Level 2
Jun 17, 2009
Oh sorry, just fix his arms, they are a bit on the big side. Unless he's supposed to be a goblin brute type.



Level 2
Mar 10, 2005
If you want to create Warhammer style Goblins, I think his stance doesn't match. Warhammer Goblins have their Head more in Front of their Torso and not on top. And I tlhink you should give him a bigger shield. And even if it is no Warcraft Goblin, I still think his Head should be a bit bigger. I don't really know if that is easy to do, cause I dont create unit models, but if u could change it, i think it would look pretty cool.

And by the way; I would approve more of those non-tech-style-goblins.



Model Reviewer
Level 30
Jan 9, 2004
Updated with hand attachments, cannot fix the head, there is no complete goblin head except for the low quality goblin merchant or the ones with those googles which damages the model if removed.
Level 2
Jan 26, 2009
A very wierd model. I don't want to admit it but it's a little illogical that the goblin like to sneak and use something like BOOM!, not a warrior type.



Model Reviewer
Level 30
Jan 9, 2004
A very wierd model. I don't want to admit it but it's a little illogical that the goblin like to sneak and use something like BOOM!, not a warrior type.

Illogical?, you mean logical and why is it logical then?, those who only know the goblin myth\lore through blizzard and know them only as tech wiz know nothing of goblins.

Umm... how i should say this...
Ah... of course.. nope, not going to happen.

So you can´t say anything constructive or anything of intellect at all, better keep those comments in your head then.

Bah why do i even bother replying to these cute lil newbies at all :confused: