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GnoobSauce's model gallery

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Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Hello, welcome to my gallery. This is where I will display all of my modelling works and ask for help, improvements and final critiques. Please be helpful :pal:


- Cleansed Ashbringer
(Images removed for space- new image of finished product coming soon!)

I redid this sword following HappyTauren's example completely from vertices and faces. All scratch modeled.

-Carrion Worm/ Maggot


I made this and textured it; however, there's a few technical problems, my animations got screwed up so I'll have to redo them and my WC3 Viewer is not wanting to convert anything to BLP. So as soon as I get these working I will post a *.zip file with all contained here. I made this from scratch using nothing but vertexes and faces. (Expect updates soon.)
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

The first picture is the WoW model reference picture, END.

The model needs a lot of work still, try cutting down some of the detail in the hilt. The structure of the blade is also quite messy.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Sorry, must not have made it clear. That top picture is what I used for inspiration/guide. The bottom is my actual rendering, but it needs an unwrap and I am not so skilled in that direction. I will however, be creating an original skin based off the inspiration. I would love some help on the unwrap of this model and would like for it to be all in one "piece" so to speak.

(BTW: I can't seem to find a ms3d-mdl converter plugin. I used to have one, but I reformatted my laptop recently and now I can't find the plugin so a link to that would be helpful as well so that I could attach the file as an MDL or MDX so that more people can help me with it.)
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Ok. I'll PM him. Though I would ask you a quick favor. Do you know where I could find kdub's exporter for milkshape? I have searched here and wc3c for about an hour now for his exporter and I can not find any trace of it. I have the source files or something of the sort, but no plugin.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Okay, I got a converter and I will post the MDX here. When I converted it a bunch of the faces on the blade were missing, I have a feeling I did something terribly wrong. I would very much like for someone to fix it up a bit before I unwrap it.


  • AshbringerSword.mdx
    20.7 KB · Views: 79
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
HappyTauren, that is a most excellent work! Can you please direct me to the tutorial that taught you how to use milkshape? I am stillusing the trial version and am still quite ignorant of how to work it. I would love to learn though! I will begin the texturing on the sword as soon as i figure out how unwrapping works. I will keep you updated! :pal:

(If anyone has any tutorial suggestions for unwrapping then that would be great too. I've searched a bit and nothing I've seen applies to milkshape.)
TDR, I made it all by placing vertices and then connecting them via faces :p I know that the mesh is rushed and really bad in some places, but thats your five minutes. You remember that FF BLADE I posed on wc3c once? (I am HT! there) it was all done face by face, because ms3d does not support splines. I could make that L 3d if I wanted, but I just left it a plane (because i didn't have a alphed texture). Also how do you mean "create it crossguard" TDR?

Gnoob, I didn't read tutorial, in fact, I think about creating one.
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Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Awesome, you are truly talented! I should like to learn from you sometime. Also, I'm having trouble connecting faces as in- is there a certain "pattern" you should connect them? I will connect the planes to make the hand-guard 3D, I don't want to make this a request, you know? This is for me to learn how to become a better modeler, so I am going to play around with your mesh a little while and try to learn from it.
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Yes, please! I Just tried it and successfully got it in Milkshape; however, when I exported it about half of the triangles (faces) were missing.
EDIT: Attaching my MDX and MDL files for those of you who want to see what happens when I export from Milkshape. (I am not using kdub's exporter I don't think. I think it's another kind. I downloaded it from someone named Guesst, I believe.)


  • AshbringerSword.mdx
    7.7 KB · Views: 66
  • AshbringerSword.mdl
    18.1 KB · Views: 73
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Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Thank you! The model is finished. Now to make an unwrap so I can begin work skinning it. The model turned out quite nicely after all and I will attach it at the end of this post. If you decide to use it for anything, give credits to HappyTauren mostly and maybe some minor credits to me. I will update you on how this " project" is going from time to time until I begin work on another.

(EDIT: Is there a tutorial anywhere on unwrapping in Milkshape? I'll keep looking but I haven't found one yet.)


  • AshbringerFinal.mdx
    8.5 KB · Views: 80
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Oh! Ok, I will practice as soon as I get this unwrap going and test it all out. I'll use this one for the game and I'll keep improving my new version till it gets really good.

(EDIT: Unwrap turned out great! I will attach a picture of the texture in it's MAJOR WiP stage. i.e. I just added the basic colors and shapes, etc.)
(EDIT2: Alright, well everything is finished;however, the texture is-- lacking. I tried my very hardest and it still turned out mediocre at best. I will attack a JPG of it so you can see it and then the TGA in case you want to touch it up.)

Here it is:


  • Ashbringerpic.jpg
    50 KB · Views: 172
  • Ashbringer.tga
    731 KB · Views: 65
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Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Okay. So I've added a new model to my index, also a WiP but close to completion. The Ashbringer sword will be complete as soon as THE_END finishes the texture since mine sucked and when I add the particle emitters. (Still trying to learn how to do that.) Anyone that has suggestions for my next model can post it here, I'm mainly just practicing right now. I made a stick figure which failed horribly, but it helped me learn how to connect vertices to make faces better so I'm getting a wee bit better. Any comments/criticism is appreciated!:pal:

I completed a new model!
:fp: Sporeggar- Sporeling Refugee
I need someone to Unwrap it, Texture it and Animate it as I am lacking in those areas.

(Fixed the hole by his peepee.)

EDIT: Updated to fix some little things and thicken up his body.


  • sporeling.mdx
    33.2 KB · Views: 80
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splines are 2D shapes used in modeling programs that act like one big polygon. Their geometry is hidden as you usually don't need to hax it. Look at TDR's example. You use your mouse to draw a shape and then you can either use it as plane or extrude it to make it 3D. You can look for a tutorial if you want, though they are really easy to use in max (which I don't use xD).
Level 10
Feb 11, 2008
Yeah, just post it here whenever you're finished :O)

EDIT: I've been drawing some little guys I like to call the Arkaa'nin so that I can use the concepts for models. Completely my own concept. Basically an anti-caster race. They're shorter than dawrves, but taller than gnomes. Not much hair on their body. They use mana to power their technology so basically they have a cycle. They use their technology to steal mana to power their technology. There will be some cool units and stuff once I get access to a scanner, I'll be uploading pics and starting to model them.
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Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
Actually, better learn to do those by yourself, thats what most people do. Your model might suck, but at least you can say it is your creation! TDR will probably support this.

you got that right :)
Speaking of max 9, well, it's not the best tool for wc3 modding, but it is possible with the Dex exporter as far as I know. And since you have it, try to make the unwrap in max 'cause unwrapping in max 9 is really easy and gives very good results. The relax and pelt map tools are the best things ever. See the unwrapping tutorials that come with max to get a better understanding of them.
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