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- Oct 24, 2012
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hello im trying to find out y this isnt working all it does is set a value to unit life but for some reason it keeps returning units max life instead of its current life can anyone see a problem in this trigger ill show u a cutout then the whole trigger for ease of seeing what i think is the problem
this is the part tht isnt working right
this is the full trigger
edit: i found the reason i was adding str which gives hp to the unit i guess if u add to much str the get unit life glitches or something thx for looking at this to try to help me tho
this is the part tht isnt working right
if ( u == Unit_Damage_Test_Player[0] ) then
set Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[2] = ( DamageTest_MaxLife_Player[0] - GetUnitState(Unit_Damage_Test_Player[0], UNIT_STATE_LIFE) )
set DPS_Red_Region[2] = ( ( Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[2] - Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[1] ) / udg_Timer_Region_Player[0] )
this is the full trigger
function Trig_Unit_Move_Red_region_2_to_Red_region_3_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local real rx = GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_Red_Region_3)
local real ry = GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_Red_Region_3)
local real dlife
local multiboarditem mbi
local string color = "|r"
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
if ( IsUnitInGroup(u, Unit_Spawns_Group_Player[0] ) or u == Boss_Unit_Player[0] or ( u == Unit_Damage_Test_Player[0] ) ) then
call IssuePointOrder( u, "move", rx, ry )
call SetUnitUserData( u, 3 )
if ( u == Unit_Damage_Test_Player[0] ) then
set Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[2] = ( DamageTest_MaxLife_Player[0] - GetUnitState(Unit_Damage_Test_Player[0], UNIT_STATE_LIFE) )
set DPS_Red_Region[2] = ( ( Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[2] - Damage_Test_Life_Red_Reg[1] ) / udg_Timer_Region_Player[0] )
set mbi = MultiboardGetItem( damagebossMultiboard, 7, 1 )
call MultiboardSetItemValue( mbi, playerColors[0] + R2S(DPS_Red_Region[2]) + color )
set udg_Timer_Region_Player[0] = 0.00
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "3" )
set Creep_Checkpoints_Red_Region[2] = ( Creep_Checkpoints_Red_Region[2] + 1 )
set mbi = MultiboardGetItem( creepstatisticsMultiboard, 8, 1 )
call MultiboardSetItemValue( mbi, playerColors[0] + I2S(Creep_Checkpoints_Red_Region[2]) + color )
set mbi = null
set color = null
set u = null
function InitTrig_Unit_Move_Red_region_2_to_Red_region_3 takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local region r
set r = RegionAddRect( r, gg_rct_Red_Region_2 )
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion( t, r, null )
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Trig_Unit_Move_Red_region_2_to_Red_region_3_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Trig_Unit_Move_Red_region_2_to_Red_region_3_Actions )
set r = null
set t = null
edit: i found the reason i was adding str which gives hp to the unit i guess if u add to much str the get unit life glitches or something thx for looking at this to try to help me tho
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