Get Jassaddress offiect

Level 1
Feb 18, 2024
I used to find a code that could retrieve the jassfunctionoffer, but I don't know where it went

For example, a text will be generated to obtain the function address

Version 1.24e found

Native "Deg2Rad" located at 0x6F3 B3510 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Rad2Deg" located at 0x6F3B3530 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Sin" located at 0x6F3B3550 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Cos" located at 0x6F3B3570 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Tan" located at 0x6F3B3590 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Asin" located at 0x6F3B35B0 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Acos" located at 0x6F3B35F0 with parameters "(R) R"

Native "Atan" located at 0x6F3B3630 with parameters "(R) R"