A map with tons of custom units and altered races. Map is still in being worked on, but everything should be working. Plz report any errors.
-Map is now on custom terrain!
-Human = Dragons/Drakes
-Undead = Has a more Halloween type theme
-Orc = Elementals
-Night Elves = Same
-Hero Lv Cap is 20.
-Food limit is 200.
-Each Race has a Titan unit.
-Each race has a hero with a powerful lv 12 spell.
-Update 1.6
-A few terrain problems fixed.
-More creeps spread out better on map.
-Some naga creeps added.
-Update 1.7
-Added alot of custom icons
-A few more terrain errors fixed
-Update 1.8
-Fixed the error with AI. Now the AI are all function like normal.
-Creeps now guard the gold mines of people not playing.
-Creeps now drop items.
-More icons added.
-Some minor spell improvements.
Note: This is a single player map not meant for Battle Net, so plz dont remove for size. If you want to help plz download and compress then message me.
-Icons that helped make this map:
-bananaHUNT: BTNUnholyResurrection
-Thrikodius: BTNPumpkinPhantom
-Paladon: BTNArmyOfDeath
-Beat-Down: BTNElite
-INSEKT: BTNMagicMeteorRain, BTNMindAttack
-Blaxor: BTNFieryBallThingy
-FrIkY: BTNFireImpact
-Pyritie: Fire Low and Medium
-Discipline: BTNicedemon
-~Void~: BTNStormRune
-FrIkY: BTNShadowTorment,
BTNCRSS, BTNN_Attack, BTNN_Halt, BTNN_Hold_Ground, BTNN_Move, BTNN_Patroll, BTNSH_Armor_Upgrade_S, BTNSH_Armor_Upgrade_T, BTNSH_Armor_Upgrade_Fo, BTNCR_Goblin_Repair, BTNCR_H_Construct_Building
-Thelordofsummoon: BTNBlackHole
-Darkfang: BTNStormSphere
-Big Dub: BTNOrbitalBeam, BTNPlatemail
-X.e.r.e.X: BTNWaterOrb
-shamanyouranus: BTNChaosWarrior, BTNNagaBuild
-PureOwnage: BTNAxeElementFire
-ROMICH UA: BTNUndeadMeleeFour, BTNShadowBlade
-KelThuzad: BTNSmite
-Fireeater: BTNFrostsword
-wet_water: BTNLightningSword
-antihero: BTNSoul-Rip
-Dan van Ohllus: BTNDemonPillar
-Kimberly: BTNDragonBreath, BTNImperiumScavengedArmour
-ragingspeedhorn: BTNelementfury2
-Garthok: BTNFlamingBow
-Arcsol: BTNArcaneFissure
-NMSAM666: BTNFlameaura
-Kershbob: BTNDTeleport
-DiCe: BTNFireskull
-VaLkYroN: BTNPacify
-trippledota: BTNBurningman
-leetslay: BTNManaSurge
-Daelin: BTNTelekinesis
-meneldor: BTNCelestrialShield
-La morte: BTNSeaDrake
-aznshadow: BTNThunderSpirit
-Mc !: BTNDragonHand, BTNFrostAxe
-Sopho: BTNFireSwirl
-Darkfang: BTNAirSphere, BTNEarthSphere, BTNEarthSphere, BTNHolySphere, BTNNewTornado
-mortal: BTNOrbOfWater
-Muoteck: BTN_DragonFirePhalanx, BTN_AzureDragonJudicator
-Big Dub: BNTEyes
-ANdROnIQ: BTNFireAndWater
-VaLkYroN: BTNTotalDarkness
I will soon be adding the models and there creaters to this list.
Altered Melee,Melee,Dragon,Halloween,Elemental